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Everything posted by Bob345

  1. Bob345

    A Recon needed i think

    what I do to prevent things like that from happening is setting the amps gains with loud\bassbost setting altheway up so if the setings are messed with, don't got to wory about cliping. I do this because my dad drives my car allot and turns everything up. And no blow speakers yay!!!
  2. Title realy says it all
  3. Bob345

    Dose an fi q 18 require a signature?

    yea Iv heard the stories and am hopeing to god I dosnt come in like that
  4. Bob345

    Dose an fi q 18 require a signature?

    Cool thanks for the info
  5. Bob345

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Man, just look through this whol thread for the Forster time and all I can say. DAMN you guys got skillz keep up the great work. Lookin forward to see more
  6. Bob345

    Customizing Q15s for Home Theater Use

    just be sure to get the high qts option and a nice amp. That's all you need to have them sound great.
  7. Bob345

    2 x Fi Q 18" Wall build in a Celica T23

    Lookin good man. I just ordered a new q 18 so I am interested to see how yours will turn out. Keep up the goog work
  8. Bob345

    Post your Audio Setup!!!

    2000 Subaru outback kenwood kc-138 head stock components(ten years old and sound beter than polls) Polk audio db 12 in a seald box(soon to be an fi q 18) crunch 500.2(Guna be a sundown 1000d soon:)) optima yellow top batt 250 amp irragi alt 0 gauge wireing ( all for prep of my 18 build)
  9. Bob345

    I know I have a car audio addiction when......

    When your speakers are bigger than your rims.
  10. Bob345

    NO Holes ?

    There should be a sticky about this
  11. Bob345

    Just ordered an fi q 18

    Ok so I just ordered a stock 18 q, and I was wondering if anyone has a idea of a good amp within a $250 price range that should power it nicely.
  12. Bob345

    No Name 15"

    Looks like an old tc sounds. If it is you scored a great find
  13. Bob345

    Smell and strange dust

    It's totaly normal. And for the dust, probably just the sub stirring up residual dust
  14. Bob345

    Fi audio component sets?

    Does anyone know if fi has any plans to make component speaker sets? Cause I would love to see some components with the build quality fi is known for.
  15. Bob345

    Just ordered an fi q 18

    Yes that is true, I might end up goung with the ap 1500
  16. Bob345

    I'm a noob and need a box

    Customize your Single 18" Straight Ported Standard Subwoofer Box | Klaus Audio this site works as a good box clculator. Just set up the opions you need and you can look at a free designe.
  17. Bob345

    Just ordered an fi q 18

    I'll raise you and lower the cost as well. AP1500. Sounds like a bit too much power for a stock q, but I could always turn the gains down
  18. I would go for the q ported at 28 hz if you want the real low end. They can move more at the lowere frequencys than the bl can.
  19. Bob345

    2000 watts to work with, what to pick

    I would go with two fi q 12's ported at 27 hz. One of my friends has a single q 12 ported at 27 and it sounds amazing. It won't be any type of spl machine but the q's slam and sound great at the same time.
  20. Bob345

    Sound Bar vs. Bose 3-2-1

    Have you ever owned bose m5? just out of curiosity. Hae you ever compared a Bose system to a cheper system? Probly not because blose conpared to a system from yamaha, polk audio, or dare I say it Sony will sound fnominaly better than blose. Try it.
  21. Bob345

    What component speakers?

    Build your own components. Just buy some raw drivers from parts express or madisound. They sell per built x-overs. Also it will sound alot better than name brand car audio specific components. And cheaper
  22. Bob345

    4" midbass drivers

    Any reference or neosym woofers from Dayton audio at Parts express
  23. Bob345

    Dustcap color options

    Can't Wait to see the carbon fiber!