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Everything posted by Bob345

  1. Warden 21 Warden 21 Warden 21!!!
  2. Bob345

    FI For home use?

    Il be interested in that ht specific driver. I was just about to build a ht sub but it looks like il have to wait a bit now to the OP: I am using a q 18 as my ht sub temporarily untill I have the cash for an amp, then it's going in my car. But all I can say, it works amazingly for ht and music. Was thinking about buying another for my ht actualy.
  3. Bob345

    Help Identifying an FI sub!!!

    Whats with the black motor?
  4. Bob345

    BTL-N2 pics

    You guys got some specs on these yet?
  5. Bob345

    Gen 3 BTLs and BTL history

    Any pics on the way? Cause you know everyone here likes pics
  6. Bob345

    Welcome to the IHoP

    solidworks is supirior! Depends on the need or use. I prefer Alibre and 3D Studio Max. True, I actualy also use 3ds max.
  7. Bob345

    Welcome to the IHoP

    solidworks is supirior!
  8. Bob345

    sefugi schools grasshoper

  9. Of you want a total audiophile hu pioneer has this all tube hu.
  10. Bob345

    Ross's noobie build

    Great looking box! Keep up the great work. And let's see some vids of this thing in action!
  11. Bob345

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I think they could have worded that a bit beter :lol2;
  12. Bob345

    Since everyone seems to want Neo...

    Can we get some more pics of this neo sub?
  13. Bob345

    Under my seat

    Dong forget about the dcon! Not sure on the mounting depth but they are great subs. And to gain more depth just make a wedge shape box, but you would have to sacrifice some airspacr
  14. That sounds like a easy fix. Just buy a new 47uf cap and solder it into the same place.
  15. Bob345

    Now Playing!

    Intermezzo liberte arch enemy
  16. Bob345

    A stranger left THIS on my porch!!

    Ups needs to learn to take better care of their shipments. But anyway can't wait to see more of this build!
  17. Bob345

    A stranger left THIS on my porch!!

    Bent by it's own weight? That is allot of woofer
  18. Bob345

    FI Q15 Recone Question

    That sounds more like a shifted pole peice
  19. Bob345

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Got to run around a highschool football game with a 6 foot rocket today.
  20. Bob345

    Ross's noobie build

    Looks masive man . What will it be tuned to?
  21. Bob345

    Ross's noobie build

    Good choice of sub! I have one too seald up in a 7.5 cube box. Only powered off 250 watts right now, but I am saving for a aq1200d. Good luck with your build
  22. so, as the title states i am looking to put together my own set of components. i found this silver flute mid that looks like it has a great flat response in the vocal ranges. does anyone think this thing will perform as its specs show? seems to good to be true for somthing of this price.and it will be paired with a sb acoustics tweeter crossed over at 2500 hz.(second order crossover) https://www.madisound.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=846