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Everything posted by Bob345

  1. Bob345

    Bass freezes beer? wtf!

    Supercooled liquid is fun
  2. Bob345

    Thinking of downgrading....

    Maby the 15 is a funky pup
  3. Bob345

    Thinking of downgrading....

    4 10's is a down grade???
  4. You just need a 3.5mm headphone jack to RCA cable. You can get one for under $5 at radio shack, and if it works that way, it's posible that your headunit might be bad
  5. Have you tried pluging an iPod directly to the amp?
  6. Bob345

    bl recone help!

    i would use an impact screwdriver, that's what iv seen allot of people use to get those screws lose there some kind of black glue or something so the screws dont vibrate loose what is it so i can replace it thanks Most Likely ca glue
  7. Bob345

    Welcome to the IHoP

  8. Bob345

    bl recone help!

    i would use an impact screwdriver, that's what iv seen allot of people use to get those screws lose
  9. Bob345

    Active Full Range driver application for in-car

    I have to say I've been thinking about using full rangers in my car too.if your looking for some real nice full ranges, I'd look at mark audio, preferably the alpair 10's. I have a pair in my room and they sound amazing! They cost a bit but they are well worth it
  10. Bob345

    BTL-N1 pics

    that sucks.. thats exactly what i was waiting for was a n1 18. Get a Q18", they spec very similar, the Q has a bit stronger motor. but... does the q weigh more? my q weighs 44 pounds
  11. Bob345

    help choosing a sub/subs

    I'd say 2 dcon's. They look like realy solid subs.
  12. Bob345

    Btl n3

    You should put Up some pics of the n3 To stop people asking
  13. Bob345

    T-nuts or huricane nuts

    Thanks! Il be geting some soon
  14. Bob345

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Was that tweeter one of the $20 silk dome Dayton tweeters? If so I those things seem to fry the tinsles real easy, hapend to one of mine
  15. Bob345

    2 18" Xcon - SAZ-2500D New box + other goodies

    Well it's saturday, now let's see some pics!! Epic build
  16. Bob345

    18" subaru outback build

    ya I will probably go with carpet and yes, I will most definitely be tinting the windows. Thanks for your input! carpet takes off deee beeez I'm guna actualy be doing beadliner, seems like it would last longer
  17. Bob345

    18" subaru outback build

    Lol same here my speaker wire has 3x as much copper, and the kit was actualy cca! Lol!!
  18. Bob345

    help on sub $800 system for 34 chevy sedan

    Welcome! And crescendo audio has some real great components for 100 bucks
  19. Bob345

    18" subaru outback build

    Sure is! Also one of the cleanest subs I have ever heard
  20. Bob345

    18" subaru outback build

    alright, i should have updated this sooner, but anyway here are some pics of the aero ports i have added so far. they are 4" psp aeros and will be tuned to 29 hz. i decided to go with 3 aeros instead of 4 because 3 4" aeros give me almost exactly 16^2 inches of port area and also because the ports will already be cut to length to get a 29 hz tuning ftw! and just the side project i have been working on during this whole build.first time i have ever used veneer and a wood finish like this. tell me what yo think, ill be putting a build log of my ht system here when its all done. and for the price, these are some of the most amazing woofers i have ever used well thats it for now, ill put up some pics of my big 3 as i have not done so yet.
  21. Bob345

    cheap sub parts supplier

    Building a sub?
  22. Bob345

    Dupi-Color TR250 Bed coating

  23. Bob345

    Btl n2 help

    It's going to spec out similar to the 2nd gen btl's
  24. There is also audio que, they have their 2200d. I'd be great if your smart with your gains