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Everything posted by Bob345

  1. Bob345

    a little project i'm working on

    That port is amazing
  2. Bob345

    I am SubSam: 15" BtL N2 on 2230K

    Looks great!! And solid works ftw!! I use it for every thing. Very powerful software
  3. Bob345

    FI BTL Warranty

    Ya some 5 minut epoxy should fix it no problem
  4. Bob345

    Review of my Black Fiday X12's

    Those x's are awsome. I helped my friend install his fiday x 10" in his truck. The thing has amazing output in the lower frequencies!
  5. Bob345

    Hello from Claremont, CA

  6. Bob345

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Reminds me of San frasisco
  7. Bob345

    speaker pins or banana plugs?

    Those banana plugs and speaker pins are almost excusively used in home audio. A striped wire and a twist conection is all you need
  8. Bob345

    Fi BTL N2 Pics + Fiday X Pics

    Is this the first n2 on ssa? And those x's actualy do sound realy nice, my friend got his last week. Not the loudest but they sound realy clean
  9. Bob345

    1-18" BTL or 2-18" Xcons???

    Id do 2 15" xcons,
  10. Bob345

    Tahoe Round 2

    Looks good so far
  11. Bob345

    back seat sealing?

    Looks good, and I would use expanding foam to seal it anduse mdf to hide the foam.
  12. Bob345

    4 18" xcons or 6 15" xcons

    I would do 6 15's cause you have the advantage of more cone area and MOAR POWEr!
  13. Bob345

    Fi sub as H/T sub?

    This looks like it will be interesting. 10 cubes is huge!
  14. Bob345

    XCON came in!!!!!

    If that's the highest you listen at, then yeah, set it there.
  15. Bob345

    XCON came in!!!!!

    Ya and look how much the voltage drops from standing voltage to when the bass hits.
  16. Bob345

    15" Q True RMS

    X2, a sq setup would never need 2000 watts or even close to that. A true sq car usualy isn't that loud at all. For sq, the substage is one of the least important parts.
  17. Bob345

    XCON came in!!!!!

    I think he means the voltage from the electrical system
  18. Bob345

    15" Q True RMS

    Sounds like what you need is a bl, and it will sound good too
  19. Bob345


    First off, what kind of price are you looking for for an o-scope?
  20. Bob345

    new theater sub build and more

    Looks great!!! Any chance we can get a vid of it in action?
  21. Bob345

    can i replace my home powered sub with F.I. woofer?

    that is my main concern is the ohm load, i cant seem to find any info anywhere and i lost the owners manual a long time ago, what are the odds this is a 8ohm sub?? i really think it is a 4 but i need to find out before i start spending money on a new replacement does anyone know where i can find out? Best way to find out would to just measure the impeadance of the current driver.