My brother just bought a ssa xcon 18 an a audioque 2200 watt amp, can anybody suggest a second battery cheap in price but will do the job? The car is a 2009 dodge charger and the stock alt is 160 amp..Thanks for any help.
You know it will. Ernie will do a great job on the box, the only hurdle you'll have to over come is that fact that it's a trunk car. he was thinking of putting it on backseat if ernie couldnt fit it lol..
I have 2 kicker l7 15's and my amp went into protect mode, i checked allthe wiring and also unplugged my subs and the amp was still in protect mode..Any other way to see if my subs are good or was unpluugging them good enough being that the amp stayed in protect mode?
I have 2 kicker l7 15 inch subwoofers in a dodge charger,the amp i had was a kole audio 2400 watt amp it cost 150 dollars brand new..well the amp took a dump and i was lokking into the audioque 2200 for my subs there the o6 model kicker at 1000 rms..i wanted to know if anyone has heard or has one of these amps?and would it push my subs pretty hard?sorry for my spelling lol i got the big 3 and gonna be getting a kinetic batt soon.