2005 4Runner, looking at having 2 locations to set the box, one behind the passenger seat, one in the cargo area. I'll run 2 sets of speaker wires to facilitate. I'm 99% decided on a RLi8 or Orphan8 and here's what I've come up with. The photos are of a Costco baby wipes box for visual reference 13.5x8.5x11. If made of 3/4" MDF, I get an internal volume of 798^inches or .46^ft. If the RLi8 is .08displacement, that gives me a .38^ft box... right? I was always shit for math, but am I missing something? If aiming for .4^ft like everybody says you should for these particular drivers in a sealed encosure, I can just make it an inch longer or maybe just some polyfill? Cut the MDF, glue together, route hole for driver, apply carpet, install binding posts? Still missing anything?