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Everything posted by S.DeYoung

  1. S.DeYoung

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I want....that one!
  2. S.DeYoung

    PorkChop representing Team SSA proudly!

    Saw the pictures on Facebook. Looks good!
  3. S.DeYoung

    iPad for head unit

    The few installs I have seen with them they have been installed with a headunit located somewhere else in the dash. A few guys on here have done it. Epicenter designs is one that comes to mind.
  4. S.DeYoung

    Bassahaulic's a picture a day thread

    Drew did you get eyelash extensions?
  5. S.DeYoung

    Component Speaker Question

    Check on madisound. They have some zaph audio and hivi component sets within your budget.
  6. S.DeYoung

    What I look like behind the computer

    You are one of Ronnie Coleman's calves?
  7. S.DeYoung

    Two SA-10s and an aero port

    Oh I thought he meant the SD series
  8. S.DeYoung

    Two SA-10s and an aero port

    I would guess a little less than the SA series. Idk if it was ever posted.
  9. S.DeYoung

    2 DCONS.. Amp Suggestion?

    Depends on what coils if they will be over powered. Read above. He says Two D4 12" Dcons.
  10. Not sure my renters would like that. Okay party at my house. BYOB
  11. S.DeYoung

    2 DCONS.. Amp Suggestion?

    Skip the AQ. Get the Sundown SAX125.2 as Aaron suggested. No need to run more power than suggested.
  12. Party at Aaron's house to celebrate?
  13. S.DeYoung

    2 DCONS.. Amp Suggestion?

    Check the tech section up top. It has enclosure plans fo FREE.
  14. S.DeYoung

    2 DCONS.. Amp Suggestion?

    In the optimal enclosures, the DCONS will outperform the P2s. Aaron beat me to it^^
  15. S.DeYoung

    2 DCONS.. Amp Suggestion?

    The DCONs are much better quality than the RFs. Also made in the USA!
  16. S.DeYoung

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Wife showed me this yesterday. I am sure some of you have seen it before. Now I want a turtle backpack!
  17. S.DeYoung

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Stuck in your head? NO! Yes
  18. S.DeYoung

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Wow ^ Kitty say what ?
  19. S.DeYoung

    amp suggestion

    How much power are you looking for?
  20. S.DeYoung

    Help! Screws keep backing out!!

  21. S.DeYoung

    Can two AA Mayhem 12s hit 150+DB?

    In the right enclosure, yes. Wouldn't know for sure unless you got metered though.
  22. S.DeYoung

    dcons or ZCON!!

  23. S.DeYoung

    dcons or ZCON!!

    With the right enclosures both will have great "sound quality"
  24. S.DeYoung

    dcons or ZCON!!

    So 600wrms or 2200wrms? Zcon for sure. You have to ask how much are you willing to spend on everything. Besides the cost of the woofers, the Zcon will cost a lot more for amp, electrical upgrades, etc.