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About bweber721

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  1. bweber721

    Please help

    i am only using it for a little while i am not looking to spend any more money.
  2. bweber721

    Please help

    have a jl 6 channel amp And cdt audio 6.5 components. the right front speaker sounds fine. the left front is very quiet and when the input level is turned up is stays quiet and gets distorted. i have changed all the wires. Interchanged the cross overs. I have tried every channel on my amp. i have even tried changing speakers and the same results. I don't think there is any thing else that could be the problem. Every thing else works fine. If you hook up the speaker directly to the amp it is fine. But with the crossover it does not. When you first hook up the speaker it gives a little loud burst of noise and then gets quiet again. I don't understand it. Can anyone give me any other things to look at. i have tried changing every cable.... I am so pissed. There is no reason for it not to work... i have had these speaker for years without problems
  3. bweber721

    Rca to hdmi adapter

    Thanks for the help I will try that tommrow
  4. bweber721

    Rca to hdmi adapter

    My problem is that when i run coax cable to my tv the picture is great ,but when i run component rca into and out of my reciever the picture gets dull and dim. What would you suggest??
  5. bweber721

    Anyone know of a good home audio book

    Nothing to crazy. I probably just want more basic stuff so i can get the job done. It is not going to be a concert hall.
  6. bweber721

    Home Audio Book

    I am doing my basement with multi zone audio and i want to do a movie theater room. Does anyone know of any good book to explain everything form basic to what ever
  7. bweber721

    Rca to hdmi adapter

    My picture coming out of my receiver is very dull. When i use coax cable straight out of the cable box it is ok ,but i need to use my receiver. I was thinking it was some where in my Rca's so i want to adapt them to hdmi. Does anyone know of one? Or do you have any ideas?
  8. Looking to to put in a multi zone system in my basement and eventually a movie theater. I want a book that explains the basics and advanced stuff. Any ideas????
  9. bweber721

    Sound Deadening

    I Not shure howmuch i plan on doing it just depends on how much i can get for the money. I probably trying to keep the cost around $300
  10. bweber721

    Sound Deadening

    I was wondering how much of RAAMmat BXT would i need for my 2005 explorer.
  11. bweber721

    Alpine Type X

    I was looking at a set of new ones ,but don't think they are right for me. I was looking at the CDT HD series. What do you think.
  12. bweber721

    Alpine Type X

    Does anybody have anything good or bad to say about Alpine type x components. What would be better for the money??
  13. bweber721

    New SUV Build Up

    No i want to run a set of 6.5 and a another set. This is all just an idea. If you think it is a bad idea then what should i do??
  14. bweber721

    New SUV Build Up

    I just got a 05 explorer and i want to put a new system in it. I have a good budget but nothing to crazy. I have 2 Re Audio SX 12in Subs that are going in there and My Kenwood head unit. Besides that i sold everything. I am willing to sell my JL amps ( 2- 500/1 and a 300/4). I would like about 750rms going to each sub. I liked my cdt audio components i used to have but i don't know which ones would be best for the money or to get a different brand... i am open to all ideas. I was wanting to put 2 sets of 6.5's and a extra set of 5.25 or 4.5's in the front ,but its just an thought. What do you think????
  15. bweber721

    Car audio books

    Does anybody have any good suggestions on Car Audio Books. More advanced stuff.