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Everything posted by graydodge14

  1. graydodge14

    Can Anyone help me solve my problem?

    a little update, i took it to a shop here in my town the guy was really no help but he said he thinks the subs are just to big. what i dont get is they require less airspace then what i was running before, so maybe just get something with a smaller magnet and everything for displacement purposes?
  2. graydodge14

    Can Anyone help me solve my problem?

    Alright one sub is for sure busted ive done everythiong and it just sounds like shit. Also for 2 days ive been calling ascendant audio and i get nothing and it says there voicemail is full, anyone know what the deal is with that? Can yall recommend me 2 12 inch subs to run off this sundown saz-2500 amp? Im looking for spl but dont want horrible sq so let me know.
  3. graydodge14

    Can Anyone help me solve my problem?

    the dmm is reading anywhere from 1.9 to about 2.1, 2.2ish. So im guessing its a dual 2 ohm so now what?
  4. graydodge14

    Can Anyone help me solve my problem?

    just bought a dmm gonna go out and unhook everything and check my subs real quick, ill get back to yall.
  5. graydodge14

    Can Anyone help me solve my problem?

    Ya i dont have a problem going and buying one, money isnt that tight, i just didnt know how much they cost and didnt know if you can buy it a store like wal-mart, im guessing you can?
  6. graydodge14

    Can Anyone help me solve my problem?

    i dont have a dmm, is there anywhere i can get one for kinda cheap (college student) so money is a problem haha. But i dont have an actual picture of my box, but here it is from the website http://www.bassforms.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=BF212RAM Im pretty sure its not the box ive checked the box and theres no cracks in the fiberglass or anything of that nature.
  7. graydodge14

    Can Anyone help me solve my problem?

    Well i meant do you think it would be louder that way, i just feel like im not getting enough power out of them their rated at 1250 watt rms a piece and i paid way more for this setup than my previous one. Which i think they should blow away my entry level kickers i had before. As far as the sub i cant decide if its busted or not, if i hold the lip down the sound goes away so im gonna file my box down a little and maybe see if the sub just isnt seated properly all the way in.
  8. graydodge14

    Can Anyone help me solve my problem?

    Does anyone think unhooking both subs and running them both seperately to the amp might help anything?
  9. graydodge14

    Can Anyone help me solve my problem?

    To be honest, i cant remember which ones i bought, i bought them this past summer with the intention of installing and i remember then, but i could have sworn i bought dual 2 ohms. Now that yall mention it i honestly cant remember because its been so long, is there any way for me to tell?
  10. graydodge14

    Can Anyone help me solve my problem?

    ill check the wiring, i may have just typed it up wrong, but the sub was messed up before i hooked it up on the sundown amp. I hooked it up to my buddies kicker amp and we played it for 10 minutes in his box and the whole time it did the rattling thing, i just figured it was his box since it was a cheap one but now that its in mine i know somethings wrong with it.
  11. graydodge14

    SAZ-2500D Pre-Sale OPEN

    Could you give us some updates on the amp or anything?
  12. graydodge14

    so lost need help please

    So i just got my ascendant audio havocs. I went with 2 12 inch dvvc at 2 ohms each. I thought i would be able to run a amp that makes power at 2 ohms but i dont think i can im lost on what to look for. Im not really looking for what specific brand (although that would be nice) i just dont want it to turn into a argument of whose better, but more of what things in an amp i should be looking for to properly run this amp. Such as 1 ohm stable, 2 ohm stable, etc. because im lost. Im running a alpine cda-117 headunit if that matters.
  13. graydodge14

    so lost need help please

    yeah im thinkin for the first few weeks or so ill just run it at 2 ohms that way i dont void the warranty right away and then after that im gonna run it at .5 ohm but ill def wait until i have all my electrical stout. As long as yall say sundowns can be ran at .5 ohm then i trust yall ha
  14. graydodge14

    so lost need help please

    i dont think so, if iwould have gotten the dual 1 ohms then i could have ran it at 1 ohm but its either .5 ohm, 2 ohm or 8 ohm im pretty sure
  15. graydodge14

    SAZ-2500D Pre-Sale OPEN

    Justin Willmon
  16. graydodge14

    so lost need help please

    Subwoofer Wiring Diagrams, Two 2 ohm Dual Voice Coil (DVC) Speakers couldnt i wire both in parallel like the first picture and get an .5 ohm load and run it that way, not sure if it would work but on the review of the 2500d i saw where they were running at .5 ohms so its just a thought
  17. graydodge14

    so lost need help please

    Subwoofer Wiring Diagrams, Two 2 ohm Dual Voice Coil (DVC) Speakers couldnt i wire both in parallel like the first picture and get an .5 ohm load and run it that way, not sure if it would work but on the review of the 2500d i saw where they were running at .5 ohms so its just a thought
  18. graydodge14

    SAZ-2500D Pre-Sale OPEN

    i sent my payment but it didnt have a subject line for what i was paying for so please let me know because it verified that $525 was sent to sundown audio
  19. graydodge14

    so lost need help please

    Alright so ive done some searching and it looks like i may get in on the preorder for the sundown 2500-d that is coming out. would this be good to run these two with?
  20. graydodge14

    so lost need help please

    Well i dont really have one just kinda go by if its what i want then i save up the money and buy it, i have a good paying job and im only 19 so im living at home (yes i know people will say spoiled, rich kid, or whatever) but i go to school and parents pay for food and all that. But like i said i work hard for my money usually about 50 hours a week and dont drink or party so all my money goes into my truck. but to answer your question i would be willing to spend 500-600 on an amp i spent 300 on headunit and 900 on subs
  21. graydodge14

    so lost need help please

    We're always here to help. What kind of electrical do you have? Upgrades, batteries, big 3, Wire, alternator, etc? Right now no upgrades, i have a simple system right now and im buying all the stuff to piece together a pretty nice setup. So i definately wont be installing everything or for that matter any of my new stuff until i upgrade to a bigger batter possibly a second one in the back, a 220 alternator and do the big 3 upgrade, with that right wire all the way throughout
  22. graydodge14

    so lost need help please

    Alright i really appreciate it ill check them out, now that i know howto wire it and what to look for in an amp i should be better able to satisfy my needs
  23. graydodge14

    so lost need help please

    yeah im thinking that might work best to i did see where on another forum a guy had a used 1500 watt sundown for 300 dollars is it bad to buy there stuff used?
  24. graydodge14

    so lost need help please

    well i was looking at sundowns amps, i dont really know anything other than mainstream stuff but looking throught these forums i have found theres alot of brands that ive never heard of that make amazing stuff.
  25. graydodge14

    so lost need help please

    K so ill connect the speakers together like the pictures shows then run only one set of speaker wire out of the box to the amp correct?