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Cant Get Enough

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Everything posted by Cant Get Enough

  1. Cant Get Enough

    Ny Kinetic came In

    My HC 1800 came in today and I was lucky I ordered the side post attachments cause I'm using it as my atarter and system battery and found out it was too tall and was able to fit it in my battery tray on it's side. Damm that thing is heavy but it sure is the best battery I ever used. My system is louder with cleaner highs, tighter bass and a broader stereo image (not need for a cap now).also my RF T6004 was cool after a half an hour and my RF T6002 was a little warm wich is definatelty better than scalding hot with my stock battery. I was shocked with the performance of my engine (no more stumble on acceleration) now that it's not starved for power and best of all no dimming. Now I can't wait for my HO alternator wich comes in monday P.S. Think I can light a football field with my FLOOD LIGHTS I mean dome lights.
  2. Cant Get Enough

    Rear Fire Sub Box

    I am new hear but installed my first system in 92. I use to have a hatchback and always used sealed boxes. I always used a slightly slanted boxes firing up at about 75 degrees and about 5 inches from the back wall (t5 inches is all the space I had left). Always had clean and awsome bass but I've recently installed a couple of 12's in a flat box firing directly at the back at 90 degrees to the rear with less success. My question is, Is it better to have a slanted box for rear firing and what is the best distance from the rear cause my trunk is huge and am currently about 10 inches from the back. Thanks for your support CGE
  3. Cant Get Enough

    hole in subwoofer

    what kind of surround I used a innertube repair kit when that happened to me once. There is also a rubber tape that'll work but get some spray adheisive to reinforce the bond
  4. Cant Get Enough

    Ambient air temperature effect db?

    Does the humidity change in your area. When I'm in hot weather my subs actually hit harder do to softening of the surround. I also see your in Florida and there's increased barametric pressureat sea level and those afternoon storms increase it.
  5. Cant Get Enough

    My alt is rediculous.

    You gotta by a Chiltons manual and a saturday and go to work Then you can find out your other questions and at least you got the manual.
  6. I have a Carver 2090mi that I got back in 93 It's gotta be the cleanest and for it's size the most powerful little amp I've ever owned. I used it to run 2 4 ohm 12 inch kicker stilwater designs that I got in 92 and yes they still rock, I want to incorporate it with my new setup and have lost and forgot the specs. I've tried and was unsuccessful in locating them. Maybe someone from the olden days knows.
  7. Cant Get Enough

    Sound Quest by Stinger

    being an electrician for five years I'd never use aluminum. I also like to isolate runs (seperate wire for seperate amp and capacitors, which I only use for my highs)
  8. How much of a difference between Stinger and Sound Quests line of pure oxygen free copper power wire. Is it pretty much the same with a different package.
  9. Cant Get Enough

    Best battery for under the hood?

    I just ordered a Kinetic HC1800. Can't wait till it gets there.
  10. Cant Get Enough

    HD Radio

    I've got the DEH-P7200HD
  11. Is it me but I just bought an hd radio and it sounds terrible. I thought it was suppose to be cd quality. I will agree than the sound stage widens and more clarity with the highs and lows. But it's also accompanied with an electronic (synthesized) sound. Kind of like a subtle robot voice in the background. Which I don't experience with analog signals.
  12. Cant Get Enough

    Sound Quest by Stinger

    I was just wondering since the power wire was thick maybe I'll use it for Big 3 and save $75
  13. Cant Get Enough

    Bass Blockers

    Inductors for low pass capacitors for high pass
  14. Cant Get Enough

    Sound Quest by Stinger

    We'll I had barely enough room for my 4 guage terminals on my amp, T6002 . So I figured it was thick enough
  15. I believe it's probably going into thermal protect mode and you say when you wiggle the fuse your probably giving it just enough time to cool down a bit making you think it's the fuse. The ipod is probaby turned up to much while downloading or on it itself sending a really hot (maybe distorted) signal to the HU causing the amp to heat up and cut off quicker than usual. Try ro fing a amp manual to check if it has a thermal light so you can tell exactly next time it cuts of. P.S. I prefer ANL or mini ANL fuses so loose connections don't happen like with AGU
  16. Cant Get Enough

    Porting My Rear Deck

    Since I have a Ford Taurus my trunck was totally sealed and no bass would come through and had to port my seat and my deck lid and am trying to locate some speaker cloth that will let the bass to travel through without affecting airflow. Do they make this. I did try the metal mesh grill like I saw in an Overhualing tv show but found it affected bass intensity and sound quality. I am a musician and know my bassists amp has a plastic type mesh (grill) that suppesedly doesn't affect sound quality. Just wondering if anyone out there uses anything specific?
  17. Cant Get Enough

    Bass Blockers

    I use bass stoppers from parts express for my p132 center channel ran off my head unit. A lot cheaper than bass stoppers and work the same. Also you can run those 20 watt speakers off an amp. I amped my stock door speakers in my Ford Taurus that were only 17 watts with a 4 channel punch 500x for a year until I got my T165-s and T600.4 and it made my stock speakers sound better just don't don't over doit.