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About Moparbass28

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    Wichita Ks
  1. Moparbass28

    2 x Fi Q 18" Wall build in a Celica T23

    Looks good.
  2. Moparbass28

    08 Dodge Ram 2500 Mega Diesel (Full Custom)

    Very nice and clean. Great job.
  3. Moparbass28

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    How did it go at Scrapin ?
  4. Moparbass28

    SA-12s / 10s In Stock

    Great to hear.
  5. Moparbass28

    Sundown CRX #2

    Whats eta on terms ?
  6. Moparbass28

    Sundown CRX #2

    Lookin forward to this build and results. Fender mod is legal in just about every org, as long as bat remains in stock location.
  7. Moparbass28

    SA Series Woofer Family Photos

    Love the photos.
  8. Moparbass28

    Loudest Pair of SA-12s that I know of.

    Great Trunk score. Very impressive in a larger trunk car and low note.
  9. Moparbass28

    4-SA8D2's in 5cu=140.5db

    Great install and score from a daily setup and 8's. Go 4 more 8's. Always more impressive to see 8's get down then larger drivers. IMO
  10. Moparbass28

    Team Sundown Russia : 153.4 / One Z v.2 12"

    Grats Team Sundown Russia Sub looks great and def an improvement.
  11. Moparbass28


    ^^ Should work. Mine peaked between 46 and 49hz. Even tho we all know each vehicle is different. G/L with build and keep updated
  12. Moparbass28

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Lookin Great. Keep up the clean good work. I just hope my son gets the bug to want to enter into the car audio world with me. Have a car we both can work on if thats what he decides.
  13. Moparbass28

    Hello from Kansas

    Ty.. Glad to be apart of the forum
  14. Moparbass28

    "Magic Box" V.2 For an 18"

    Nice progress.
  15. Moparbass28

    Drew up a little design for the E8's

    Gotcha. Amazing what mdf will help do if it did.