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Everything posted by icy_chris

  1. icy_chris

    new box build

    all done drying and just mounting the amp you can see it in the top corner it's going to look awsome once the subs come it should be some time this week i will be putting them in so more pics to come
  2. icy_chris

    new box build

    my new box working on for fiance`s brothers buick la`sabre it will be tuned to 33hz when finished 2.68 ft3 befor driver displacment subs and ports will face up
  3. icy_chris

    need new basket UPS need i say more

    man i would have snaped sh!t and kicked some one in the head!!! poor sub
  4. icy_chris

    SPL meter prototype versus Termlab

    count me in for 1 too
  5. icy_chris

    new box build

    and the finished box finally done turned out gorgeous
  6. icy_chris


    From the album: buick le`sabre

  7. icy_chris


    From the album: buick le`sabre

  8. icy_chris


    From the album: buick le`sabre

  9. icy_chris

    Beginner Install Help

    lol ive always used my pencil tourch to heat shrink my car lol but what ever works whats your alt put out now? bc with 2000w you will want at least a second battery b/c i have a saz2000d and the voltage drop cuts everything out so i got a 200amp alt comming soon
  10. icy_chris

    Box for 18" Fi Q

    no problem when you get it done post some pics
  11. icy_chris

    Box for 18" Fi Q

    i figured after displacment your at about 6.75-7 ft3
  12. icy_chris

    Box for 18" Fi Q

    hope that helps you out
  13. icy_chris

    Box for 18" Fi Q

    and yes i would recomend bracing the less movment in the box the better
  14. icy_chris

    Box for 18" Fi Q

    it is net volume
  15. icy_chris

    Box for 18" Fi Q

    its before port displacment so you have to minus the displacments from it.
  16. icy_chris

    Box for 18" Fi Q

    i use 12 volt.com 12volt
  17. icy_chris

    Box for 18" Fi Q

    yes port to 5.5 and length would be 42.75 long to get tuning at 30hz or if you made the box wider by 1" port 5.5 and legth 40 would tune to 30hz
  18. icy_chris

    BL 12 or 15?

    15 has more cone area so it will move more air if your going for loud this one will be louder not sure how much but it will be louder
  19. icy_chris

    Box for 18" Fi Q

    that tuning sounds off with those dimentions it would be around 34-35hz you would need a port length of 46 to get your tuning down to around 30hz
  20. icy_chris

    Wiring help for 18" BTL

    your welcome i have a 12" btl on a saz2000d and it hammers i think you'll love that 18"
  21. icy_chris

    Wiring help for 18" BTL

    that amp is stable at 1 ohm so wire it at 1 ohm and hammer away
  22. icy_chris

    Beginner Install Help

    for soldering use a pencil torch crimp the terminals best you can heat them up and add solder to the terminal till it bonds to the wire and terminal than makes sure they dont pull out for the on off switch/ button wire on in the remote wire from your deck to your amp and mount it some were you like and that can be used to turn on/off your bass you won't need a heat gun for anything
  23. icy_chris

    new box build

    yea i have one last piece of carpet to put on tonight and the finished pics will be up soon! but its a grey tweed with a 3" strip of white rock down the mid
  24. icy_chris

    Bringing back the X!

    would these make a good mid bass driver ?