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Everything posted by icy_chris

  1. they are both the same price but the sundown is used and the aq is new from aq both 425+shipping
  2. icy_chris

    "Blownest" woofer evAr.

    wow it's like to skinny people having sex too fast and the guy got bad case of friction burn ouch poor woofer
  3. icy_chris

    T/S Specs for Fi X

    best bet is too email nick and ask him [email protected] i tried looking but came up with nothing hopfully nick can help you
  4. icy_chris

    Fi btl back order?

    when did you order yours ?
  5. icy_chris

    Big Mutated Strawberry

    kinda reminds me of one of my ex girlfriends fat and flat lol
  6. icy_chris

    My Fi Q12 arrived safely

    i can't wait for my btl 12" i'm gonna when i try to lift it lol good thing i put a chip in my car to haul it around
  7. icy_chris

    Need opinions about my box design

    if you take that and make the port from 4 to 3.5 it would bring the tuning back down i had to do that to my box too when i used that to make my first box b/c it was tuned to high for my sub
  8. icy_chris


    wow it's almost as bad as the drivers here that drive down the wrong side of the road yelling at everyone else for hitting them!!!
  9. icy_chris

    Normal to hear highs through sub?

    my exile 1000.1 did that with the voice really bad too then it fried so i'm taking i'n my bottles and diggin in my couch to buy a new amp
  10. id say at the very least do the big 3 with 0 gauge and watch, if the voltage if it drops alot sugest getting a second battery and or h/o alternator
  11. icy_chris


    i'd ground my wire to an asian lol
  12. id get the second battery to help with the voltage drop but the cap i think is pointless the extra battery will do more than a capasitor
  13. icy_chris

    98 sunfire

    yes i'm painting it with marine high gloss black and lag bolting it on over top the sub once the sub is mounted and its routerd so the sub don't hit it and it will hide the outer ring of the sub i think it will look good ill post a pic when im done
  14. icy_chris

    98 sunfire

    thanks i'm really exited to finish it all my next step is 1/0 big three wire will be here any day now and ill have some new pics up
  15. icy_chris

    98 sunfire

    thank you theres a black gloss face plate that screws in after the sub is mounted to give it a nice accent but i have to finish painting it
  16. thank you i will give them a call
  17. hey does anyone know where to get an h/o alternator in canada or one to canada for cheap it's for a 2.2l sunfire they are really hard to find
  18. icy_chris

    What is the fastest you have gone

    248km/h 1978chev impala 2dr highway i drove got clocked by cop at that speed he didn't even chase just got a phone call at home 215km/h ford focus rally sport in town i drove got a 900 ticket and lost my licence 1 month for demerits
  19. icy_chris

    hole in subwoofer

    i've never slipped using the drill yet but carpeting my box i slipped with the exacto knife and lets just say my finger needed superglue b/c the wait at the hospital was six hours for 4 stichest so i used a bottle of super glue to hold it together
  20. icy_chris


    From the album: first build

  21. icy_chris


    From the album: first build

  22. icy_chris


    From the album: first build

  23. icy_chris


    From the album: first build

  24. icy_chris


    From the album: first build

  25. icy_chris

    fi Q 12 or fi bl 12?

    th fi q is more sq the fi bl is more spl , the bl will be louder. the q you can use in ported or seals the bl is ported only not recomended for seals enclosure but its also install dependant to how it will sound