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Everything posted by icy_chris
Hey just seeing if anyone here has a little more experience here is my information on the set up have a 280amp alternator and good optima yellow top two runs of 1/0 and good grounds running a sundown zv5 15 d1 at 2 ohms on a svc6000 sundown amp. Have the sub sonic set to aproximate 30hz the box tuned to 32hz and low pass set to aproximate 75hz it is built to recommended specs 4.5 cubes after displacment and 68 cubic inches of Port have the gain set between 1/4 and 1/2 gain to take it easy for the first bit of playing and found its pushing but now distorted voltage drop is only 13.6 v lowest and find after a while has slight hot/wood smell the sub is just new and has about 2 hours of play time just seeing if anyone has noticed any same things on new higher power subs while breaking in for the first while this is only my second high power system fist was a sundown 2500 and fi btl v2 and never had a smell from it while breaking in.
Still playing with my software but so far got this for now can find propped peramiters for the zv5 15 is someone could help if they know where to find them would be great. Using zv4 15 peramiters for now
Starting my build log for my ford escape having an issue uploading my pictures here for it can some one recommend a good way to upload as they are larger than the max size allowed. Or will I have to take pictures of lower quality to get them to upload?
Already added heavy duty shocks and springs if need be will add helper air bags in the springs but so far with 450lbs ish in the back it only dropped 1/2" on ride hight. And can shed the the full size spare for more weight saving
Looking for someone to chime in want to possibly do a wall build with two sundown zv5 15" to get some extra space for batteries at the rear have a idea but finding port clearance is making the port size I think littthe too small. Any experienced box builders any ideas how bad it would be being 90 square inches instead of recommended 120. The 41" and 35 inches are max measurements I have to work with
I will be adding another zv5 15" to this build with a new box design in the future hoping to add the second one this summer
It is my garage I do side work out of it lol all work is done by myself with help cutting and holding things from my father all designs are my own.
Couple touches of carbon fiber to match the box side pieces
irraggi alternator 280amp biggest I could fit
Box build 4.5 ft3 after displacments and tuned to 32hz
Thanks I've put about 80 hours into all of them definatly paid off to have good front stage to keep up with the sub will be putting up some more pictures of the box build tonight when I'm off work.
carpeted and installed re apolstered the door pannel turned out good
lots of test fitting and sanding
wrapped and first layer of fiber glass on
door pod skeletons
Ok thanks I will try that with the rest
I've tried stalling them down still wouldn't let me fit any more in here going to try this link to them online photo bucket see if that works http://s345.photobucket.com/user/christophergarlough/library/Mobile Uploads
Have to do some editing on pictures again keep running into them not letting me up load more of them lol.
ok got some edited and ready to share more to come... here is some info 2005 ford escape 3.0l 4x4 kenwood dnx890hd head unit 2 sets of Rockford t265s components for front stage 1 pair rockfor t165 coaxial rear stage powered by sundown sax 100.4 v2 custom 4.5 ft3 tuned to 31.5hz box out of 1" mdf 1 sundown zv5 15" sundown scv 6000d 3 optima blue top group 31 batteries irraggi 280amp alternator 2 runs of 1/0 sky high car audio cable all other wire sky high as well as rca premium sky high car audio 80 mil sound deadner in all the doors inner and outer skins and two layers of 50mil sound deadner on trunk and floor and pillars
One of the box build and the rest won't upload says files are too large so will play with them after work and try to get some more up for you guys
Some pictures will let me bare with me trying to get a bunch rockford t265 components for front stage did all the work my self on pods and panels
If anyone wants to see the build its on Facebook good vibrations sub boxes and under the album 2005 ford escape
After fine tuning the amp very finicky and running for a while it is a great sounding sub it hits tight and when it hits the tune of the box just the one absolutely blows my mind I will be doing some testing with my term lab hopefully some time this week comming up and will throw the numbers up for you guys and give it a few months going to be getting a second one and doing a wall enclosure for two at 1 ohm on the scv 6000 I would have put up pictures but it tells me the file sizes are too large to upload