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Everything posted by On3Hundr3dProof

  1. On3Hundr3dProof

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    thank god you picked commission.
  2. On3Hundr3dProof

    Which amp for 2 12" Fi BLs

    why not D1s and wire to 1 ohm?
  3. working on fiberglassed door panels and 8 10's walled off after vacation.

    1. Julian


      Good luck with 8 10's they are not very fun.

  4. On3Hundr3dProof

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    It takes nothing but capital to order product from Asia. No knowledge, no defined niche to fill, no product differentiation. Just money and the ability to order from a menu.That's the truth...nobody does anything special. If SSA decides to introduce Amps that could be something special.J I've decided, but to do something special in the direction I want to go, is soooooo damn $$$.I think you should just make some ultra nonsense premium amps. Like over the top premium. even if you some how came out with amps that were 200% efficent the masses still would be like "$1200 for a 2500 watt amp nah way man"
  5. On3Hundr3dProof

    Fi BL 15 vs. Sundown X 15???

    ^^^ lol
  6. On3Hundr3dProof

    Fi BL 15 vs. Sundown X 15???

    im gonna put a a 6th order inside of another 6th order in a sealed box. gonna be bangin when i pull up to taco bell with my homies.
  7. On3Hundr3dProof

    At the drive in movie

    never been to a drive in all the ones i ever live around have been shutdown already
  8. On3Hundr3dProof

    Welcome to the IHoP v.2

    same. why pay the same/higher prices as a product line i already have faith in.
  9. On3Hundr3dProof

    Fi BL 15 vs. Sundown X 15???

    also the x series isnt rated for that amount of power. better youd look into the Zv4s. Do you have any elec upgrades to your vehicle to run that amp? and why a 4th order?
  10. On3Hundr3dProof

    Fi BL 15 vs. Sundown X 15???

    "slam HARD!!" well thats great! all the info to recommend a product is right there.
  11. On3Hundr3dProof

    first time competition

    Well went to the Bismarck comp today. I swapped in my psi mojo m3s for it pulled off 149.1 @29 Hz on 1 ohm Then at .25 ohm 149.6 @ 29hz. Suprised those subs dropped my peak by 4hz.
  12. On3Hundr3dProof

    first time competition

    Thanks everyone!
  13. On3Hundr3dProof

    first time competition

    I had to run supermod because I forgot to grab my glovebox and put it back in. didnt realize it til I left home so i just said screw it. I am wondering I know Ive heard the IA DPs can run more than rated and I hate overpowering subs for daily but in 8 cubes @33hz will 2 15s run off a saz3500v2 fine or should i just look into the zcons?
  14. On3Hundr3dProof

    first time competition

    yeah truck peaked @33hz. i was suprised lol. i wanna break 150 so after i get back from vacation in the next few months im gonna be building a new box..possibly getting some zcons, but ill have to see about that.
  15. 3x USACI SPL at Woods Audio in Bismarck, ND. 7/13/13 @10:00am
  16. On3Hundr3dProof

    Thinking About Getting An AR-15? Advice?

    id look into the M&P-15s or Daniel's Defense. if your being talked out of 5.56 then .300 blk is pretty sweet. just a .308 cal in a 5.56 cutdown casing.
  17. On3Hundr3dProof

    My Little Intro.

  18. both amps are solid. for the icons id go with the nendo. also just wire to 1 ohm final load.
  19. On3Hundr3dProof

    Happy Birthday Dembeats

    happy birthday!
  20. Maybe this will clear things up for the funky pup. 1 watt to a funky pup is like 10000000 watts to a DD Z. These are Chuck Norris’s choice, not for bass, but to replace the engines in all his WalkerTexasRangerMobile’s… 1 funky pup = 500 horses, 2 funky pups = 1500 horses, 3 funky pups = time travel. There was never an atomic bomb, there was 4 funky pups in a .25″ particle board sealed box. They stopped making funky pups because the warehouse they were stored was quickly shifting the earth’s magnetic field. As a result, most of the world’s funky pups are now stored in a secret underground warehouse below Santa Claus’s Elf sweatshop. Its not certain what exactly makes the funky pup’s so much better than everything that ever existed, but it is absolutely certain – THESE ARE THE BEST W00FERS EVER MADE BY MAN OR SPACE MONKEY! this made me laugh so hard!
  21. On3Hundr3dProof

    My 1st Hello--

  22. i would just advise you not to try running what your trying to run until you do more research and gain some more knowledge.
  23. On3Hundr3dProof

    Team IAK IronMan Explorer

    nice! the explorer looks mean!