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Everything posted by On3Hundr3dProof

  1. On3Hundr3dProof

    When a pair of Double Deez just isn't enough O_o

    I dont think there could be a better way lol.
  2. On3Hundr3dProof

    DCaudio's demo van doing a KILLER hairtrick

    hairtricks, what a beautiful thing lol
  3. On3Hundr3dProof

    MECA 3x Event Feb.26 2012 Lebanon, TN

    i wish i was able to go back home(cookeville, TN). I'd totally be down.
  4. On3Hundr3dProof

    Info on this Beast??

    yeah i say pass on a 6th order..
  5. On3Hundr3dProof

    WTB: (( SMD DD-1 ))

  6. On3Hundr3dProof

    WTB: (( SMD DD-1 ))

    It just seems to me that this product is just an expensive shiny toy made to do something you can easily do without it.
  7. On3Hundr3dProof

    Happy Birthday 98GMC

    happy birthday!
  8. On3Hundr3dProof

    Info on this Beast??

    its hard to tell by looking but the vid description say a 6th order.
  9. id pull out your optima and check the sitting voltage on it.
  10. On3Hundr3dProof

    Bassahaulic's a picture a day thread

    i definitely feel a sexy awesome vibe coming from the pt on the left.
  11. On3Hundr3dProof

    saying hi

  12. Waiting for my XS D5100r. I keep telling myself patience is a virtue..

  13. On3Hundr3dProof

    2 alt crx

    I was only stationed in wichita falls for 3 1/2 months but i loved it there lol, but in that situation even though its a fair chunk of cash id definitely save up for an HO alt.
  14. that is one mean tough looking driver.
  15. On3Hundr3dProof

    Welcome to the IHoP

    and good times were had by all.
  16. On3Hundr3dProof

    Chevyboy95's DC AQ Build

    nice job on the enclosure!
  17. On3Hundr3dProof


    for 1500 watts id try to stay at 1.2 cu ft for the pair.
  18. On3Hundr3dProof

    Welcome to the IHoP

    good to hear!
  19. On3Hundr3dProof

    This Ship Has Sailed!

    I never got the opportunity to use any of your products but ive always heard good things about SoundSplinter and held them as a respectable and reputable brand. Good luck to you in the future.
  20. On3Hundr3dProof

    Bassahaulic's a picture a day thread

    nice port
  21. On3Hundr3dProof

    Welcome to the IHoP

    im sure if i mailed something to myself itd take at least a few days lol.
  22. On3Hundr3dProof

    remote wire question?

    id do it that way but more than 2 amps and id run a relay
  23. On3Hundr3dProof

    please dont do car audio if you dont know how!

    yep..the dash looks just like my s10 did when i first got it back in the day. good times..
  24. yup, gonna have to chop the tops of the seats off dedication at its finest.
  25. On3Hundr3dProof

    How did you guys find SSA???

    sundown audio website. wasnt much of a forum guy but with all the experience, knowledge and mainly cool people i definitely wanted to be a part of it.