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Everything posted by YMforshort

  1. YMforshort

    18 inch ethos

    So Ijust purchased a new to me 04 tahoe, and I'm planning my new system. I'm set on two 18 inch ethos what should I shoot for on the box and what are some good amp rec.? Basically it's gonna be a daily system bump on my way to work and back etc. Thanks in advance. p.s I was looking at the Soundqubed 3500
  2. YMforshort

    Box Builder (Oklahoma)

    Gotcha . Reading > Me . I looked at his Facebook and there was a number on there I'm going to give it a shot 2m. I'll post if I contact him.
  3. YMforshort

    Box Builder (Oklahoma)

    I take that back. McGovney Designs Look in the custom fabricators section. he is located in guthrie bro. Looks like he does sick work im in tulsa and im gonna have him build my two 18's box for me
  4. YMforshort

    2 18's box

    With some investigative work on my end, i found out you are located in guthrie. so GREAT for me. i wanna do a 2 18's box through you.
  5. YMforshort

    Need a Design Guys

    For Starters it will be going in a 2004 Chevy Tahoe. My demensions i would like to stay in are:30Dx47Wx27H. Box will be for 2 18 inch DSS Ethos powered by a Soundqubed 3500.1 5cft net for each sub tuned to 32 hertz. I wanna do Subs Up Port back and havent decided if i want to go with aeros or a traditional slot port design. Which would be easier for a first time box builder? Included some photos of "my hoe". Thanks in advance for the help guys!!!!
  6. YMforshort

    Box Builder (Oklahoma)

    I am in tulsa, but i have no idea. Im just gonna bite the bullet and build it myself.
  7. YMforshort

    18 inch ethos

    Na i wont be competing. Just bumping for my pleasure and maybe some demos on the weekend.
  8. YMforshort

    18 inch ethos

    Maybe 800-1200 for amp will be adding two xs d6500 one up front one in hatch. And a mechman 270 amp h.o alt with multiple runs of welding supply 1/0