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About bart187

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  1. bart187

    BLT set ups

    mine is 2 btln2 18s in a honda crv 15cubs 195 sq in of port tuned to 32hz fith a sounddigital 16kd and rockford 8002 on 7 pairs of mids and twits from jl 153.4 db closed up
  2. bart187

    btl 18 n2

    i gest orded my first btl 18 im going to put in 8cuft box tuned to 30hz fith a usamps2000hc to it what do btl users thank
  3. bart187

    re xxx re cone

    no it is not the new one it,s from like 2002 wen thay were made in vagus some one trayed to steal them could get them out of the box and punched it and broke it do you think i should order it with a basket thank you for the help
  4. bart187

    re xxx re cone

    it is a six spoke basket
  5. bart187

    re xxx re cone

    how much would be to get a recone for a re xxx18 d2
  6. bart187

    vlx spec

    would like to get some numbers are they .25ohm stable link the older ones
  7. bart187

    AX line

    i have a 2000hc my play at 1 ohm bridged daily with no problams i want to get another one to link them togther
  8. bart187

    Team SSAudio T shirt pre order

    1-3xl for me if you have them
  9. bart187

    ax 1500de

    im running it at .28ohm on music for bass race on 2x18xxx 1.4 omh per quad well the amps take it or not thanks clarence
  10. bart187

    ax 1500de

    what is the ohm load thay will take. what kind of power do thay do.thanks clarence
  11. bart187

    RE XXX

    i have last years 18xxx 8+de1000's 4 per sub i love it
  12. bart187

    can the ax1500de be straped

    can you strap a ax1500de and how would you do it
  13. bart187

    has any got there new ax line yet

    i got 2-ax1000des and a ax2000hc has any one did any testing yet would like to jet some # please