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Everything posted by mrbojang

  1. mrbojang

    Help!!!! Donate Please!!!!!!

    wheres the original at? also, that is hilarious. damn curbs need to watch where they're sitting!
  2. Already thinking of my new setup...

    1. jcarter1885
    2. Sir-Lancelot


      Must have forgot. lol

    3. mrbojang


      4 15s down the line. Need to upgrade my electrical, front stage and do some deadening first.

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  3. mrbojang

    For all you bassheads out there

    I like it man..My subs do too! Thanks!
  4. mrbojang

    New vide...Pretty good :)

    I metered it on a crappy most likely uncallibrated audio control. It hit 145. I'm investing in a SPL Labs LCD meter so I should know for sure soon. As far as the hair trick, have to see if I can get a hold of someone who doesn't mind..Working on it.
  5. mrbojang

    New vide...Pretty good :)

    Sorry about the weird angles. lol.
  6. mrbojang

    Some open discussion on product development.

    sax-125.2 can do close to that if i'm not mistaken
  7. mrbojang

    Some open discussion on product development.

    Has any thought been put into a 'slim' line for extreme space limited applications? I know pioneer and some other brands have some very thin subs out there.
  8. Just wondering how many of you guys actually use these things..
  9. sounds like you need an isolator or identical batteries.
  10. I just sanded down the ground under the hood better. Later this week I'll upgrade the other ground.. Decided to measure my resting voltage on my front and back batteries. Front is resting at 13.0v, rears are at 13.2v
  11. So far I'm loving the new system but I've noticed with some songs (the loudest) and also at idle my voltage can drop down to 12v. It always jumps back up to 13.8+ volts after the bass hits... Should I be concerned? I still need to upgrade a ground under the hood, hoping that will help a bit.
  12. Big 2. Waiting to get a bit more 0ga (should have it by tuesday) to do the engine block to frame ground... Nothing on I get 14.5-14.6 volts.
  13. If you're planning on redoing your system later with more power, you might as well get the beefiest alternator you can. go for the 270xp if possible.
  14. mrbojang

    Need some graphics work done

    I like mine better.
  15. So I've seen a ton of videos featuring hair tricks and I figured it'd be cool to see if my system can pull it off..Only problem is that I'm clueless how to go about it. Obviously someone with long hair is needed. I'm not sure what song would be best, or what window for that matter... Any tips for me? Is it pretty much just trial and error? Any reason my system wouldn't be able to hair trick? Does hairspray\hairgel have a negative impact on it?
  16. mrbojang

    sundown powered magnum

    link didn't work
  17. mrbojang

    My system

    Glad you're enjoying your new system. However if I may, can I offer you some advice from personal experience? 1. Annoying the cars around you isn't an accomplishment. You can do that with your horn and erratic driving. In fact it makes everyone in this hobby\industry look bad. 2. Be careful who you show your system to, and also how loud you play it around where you live. There's no reason to advertise your setup to potential thieves. Also, if you haven't yet I'd invest in an alarm at the very least. 3. Cranking the HU to 100% can send a clipped signal. This mixed with a line driver is most likely a recipe for disaster. Lastly, if you're not sure of something..Don't hesitate to ask around here. Also, we like pictures.
  18. Is it covered by a warranty? At this point I would email Jacob. If it's not covered by a warranty you should contact db-r. Also even if the fuses in the amp look good, it couldn't hurt to replace them.
  19. You could wire up the remote to your ignition worst case.
  20. mrbojang

    saz-3500d "clicks" when turning on or off

    Where do I hook up the blender?
  21. I assume this is normal. Just curious what causes it to make a clicking noise when turning the amp on or off?
  22. Bought a street scenes poly urethane roll pan for my truck. Just got it today. I'm planning on getting it painted tomorrow but when I unpacked it I noticed it seems scuffed. Any idea if this is going to show after the paint? It doesn't feel the same as the non scuffed parts, a bit more rough..
  23. mrbojang

    Just got metered :)

    Just got metered on an Audio control...Did it with music. One song (The one I figured was the loudest) hit 145.0db! The song was Plies - All Black slowed by wattz305 All the other songs we tried were in the 140-143.5 range. I went in figuring I'd be happy hitting those numbers. Around 40hz seems to be the sweet spot. Still wish I had access to a termlab though.