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Everything posted by mrbojang

  1. mrbojang

    So it was written...

    I would save up and get a SAZ series amplifier. 1 ohm shouldn't be an issue daily depending on your electrical. Under 1ohm is when it gets kind of hairy depending on the amplifier.
  2. mrbojang

    amplifier future

    Extension cords is where it's at.
  3. mrbojang

    There's a first for everything...

    Pretty sure that was already stated like 5 times. People might steal your stereo since you advertised it. Now it's the 6th time. movie theater is no where near where i live. lol I'm sure people who break into cars at movie theaters really care where you live...
  4. mrbojang

    There's a first for everything...

    This thread is full of win.
  5. mrbojang

    Brand Spanking New Website

    Looks great! Doesn't render properly on my iphone though...
  6. So I was looking at a tahoe build log on here and saw this: I've also seen alot of setups where people run speakers in the center console area... Isn't this bad for imaging?
  7. I believe he doesn't work on any amps that put out more than 5k.
  8. mrbojang

    Anybody in South Florida? Any Boom Cars here?

    I'm in Delray Beach but don't have any of those subs. There's two shows coming up in our area... One is in Jupiter on Halloween and the other is November 7th in Lake Worth.
  9. I know it is capslock day but DAMN. Please don't type in all caps.
  10. mrbojang

    Post your dash

    Clean man.
  11. mrbojang

    Post your dash

    As the topic says, let's see those dashes. Here's mine at night. I just relocated my bass knob to the left. I need to tint the volt meter.
  12. Can you try putting it in park at a red light (taking your foot off the brake) and see if the voltage goes up?
  13. mrbojang

    Why just one power and ground input?

    I believe bus bars are recommended and using actual copper pipe to the amps.
  14. mrbojang

    Hove's Rebuild #3

    Why is that, I was thinking of using in my next build? Pm me if you want to keep it private. Not worth me getting into. Everyone is avoiding getting into it. Hove, looking good so far!
  15. Over 9000!!! Seriously though, hard to say. You're more than doubling the power so you SHOULD get some gains and have an audible difference. Only way to know for sure is to try it out and see.
  16. mrbojang

    Gen 3 BTLs and BTL history

    SWEET! I don't really understand the purpose of dividing up the BTL line though... Looking forward to seeing prices and pictures.
  17. mrbojang

    Bassahaulic's USACi World Finals

  18. So currently I have my six sa-10's wired up to a saz-3500d @ 1.33ohms and I'm hoping to get more out of this setup. I have a second saz-3500d coming tomorrow. I'm thinking I'll bridge the two amps after upgrading my electrical (acouple d3100's). I'm curious if you guys think this approach is sane or if you think the subs are going to smoke from the extra juice. I realize this is most likely one of those near impossible to answer questions that gets asked here all too often. Also, subs are turned to 32hz with 1.3cf each. Thanks.
  19. Should fit over the terminals also? Or what size should I be purchasing? Thanks.
  20. Yeah that's what I meant, trying to figure out what size I need to fit over the terminal..
  21. mrbojang

    My first home made bass track

    Downloaded it just now and listened to it on my headphones. Sounds good enough for me to burn to a CD and try it out in my truck later. Also, my setup peaks around 43hz so thanks for not going low with it.
  22. mrbojang

    what systems made you laugh...

    Saw this online randomly somewhere. I love the light.
  23. I'm thinking of purchasing a cheap broken amplifier off ebay just to try to learn to repair it. I'm a fairly fast learner and am good at learning new things, so it seems like it might be a fun challenge... What's exactly involved? I know I would need a test power supply (computer psu?), dmm, soldering kit... Is the basic technique to just look for components that are burnt or have failed and replace them?
  24. mrbojang

    finally got my loud daily driver up and running

    Nice score man. It sucks the nightshades are out of stock... Any pics of the install?