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Everything posted by woodskilla

  1. woodskilla

    I'm Stuck

    Why you don't need a capacitor - Realm of Excursion ^^ reason for taking the cap out^^
  2. woodskilla

    SPL-Labs LCD Bass Meter

    just a thought... did you try switching the meters positions just to make sure that the .1 difference wasn't just position gain?? do you get what i mean?
  3. woodskilla

    SPL-Labs LCD Bass Meter

  4. woodskilla

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    are you going to 4g63 it?
  5. woodskilla

    1997 Jeep Wrangler

    looks nice
  6. woodskilla

    4 DP21 4th Order Build

    looks great man! cant wait to see how it turns out!
  7. sign me up for the usb/lcd one!
  8. have you sent any emails? i ordered a sub from them and they let me know that they were in my city and that i could just come by and pick it up and save on shipping! i love audioque!
  9. woodskilla

    Not really a newbie

    Hello my name is Ross from okc. I am not really a newbie to the car audio world but I am a newbie to this forum. I am getting back into car audio after a three year break. Wish me luck!