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Everything posted by erik67111

  1. erik67111

    Terrible Reception

    just bypass the tuner thats in the trunk and run the antenna directly to the head unit
  2. erik67111

    Terrible Reception

    do you really need the radio
  3. erik67111

    Random Box built by Sound=Vibration

    whats the demensions on that box got the same subs on wanted to go ported
  4. erik67111

    New guy

    if i was you i would save up a get a ssa icon 15 way better than any alpine sub
  5. erik67111

    My SA-8 install

    how much for your 50.4
  6. erik67111

    is the 10" SSD the right sub for me?

    yes a 12 will fit
  7. Well duh. It's stuff like that that gets real audio enthusiasts get into trouble. x2
  8. erik67111

    Soundstream XXX re-cone or just a new surround?

    you would be better off just reconeing it its really easy theres videos about it on youtube
  9. erik67111

    Sub/Port firing option? which would be louder?

    that would definetly be unique try it post a vid i want to see how it does
  10. erik67111

    Picked up some twins today in Dallas

    you should of got some bigger rims but that body style always make rims look small
  11. erik67111

    1989 Jeep Cherokee

    tuned in x2 on the clean jeep
  12. i would go with one aq3500 it will do 4300 at 1ohm
  13. i would save some money and buy the audioque aq2200 for 389
  14. erik67111

    Kent's 1987 Mustang Build

  15. i have a 130 amp alt and a ever start battery up front i'm buying a audiopipe 15001d i was wondering if that would be sufficient for that amp if not i was thinking of a shuriken bt60 60ah and 1500 amps i want as minimal voltage drop as possible
  16. erik67111

    2 fi btl 12's vs 2 fi btl 15's vs 3 fi bl 12's

    if you got the room go with the 15s they will be noticably louder i have 2 friends that have the same car 2000 sunfire one has a 12 btl and one a 15 btl same amp audiopipe aqx2500 i build the boxes for both of them the 12 is in a 3cube after displacement and the 15 is 4.5 after displacement both tuned to 33hz and the 15 imo is twice as loud the 12 dont even make my ears hurt and the 15 makes them feel like their gonna bleed so i would go with the 15s
  17. erik67111


    ok what would be the best ground if i dont have a full steel frame and it would be nearly impossible to ground to the frame unless i ran a wire all the way up to the front of the car and grounded to a engine mount because my frame is incased in sheet metal so i think the strut tower would be the best ground imo
  18. erik67111

    98 sunfire

    very nice looking box
  19. erik67111


    also would it be better to ground the amp to the rear battery or to the strut tower
  20. erik67111


    what would it cost for 1 battery shipped to 72653 and btw how much are your spl meters and do they have their own seperate lcd screens
  21. erik67111


    this is not going in my 2003 chevy its going in my 92 ford taurus
  22. erik67111

    Fi Customer Service

    i hope that arseho at ups gets fired
  23. erik67111


    would 2 of them be enough so there is no voltage drop at idle
  24. erik67111

    6.5 and 6x9s

    so i would have to make custom door pods?