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Everything posted by natedizzle

  1. i think over time asking what amp i should use i have noticed that..."get the nine.1 you cant beat it"....its hard to get any honest opinions on that site anymore.That was before i saw this site though so i think this one is better,alot of people on there know what they are talking about but now without the permission from the ED gods i think....lol...o well.
  2. ive always heard great things about them and how they are so underrated but thats because the other site im on icixsound.com allmost everyone on there is diehard ed so i dont really know the real deal about them.....almost got one though.
  3. well he told me that they he didnt mind my sentences cause he knows i do that.I see that you have a brutus 1500...how is that holding up on you cause i was thinking about getting one???
  4. any other options for an amp thats around maybe 1200-1400rms thats pretty decent for under $300???
  5. i wrote about the same thing to them and he gave me that exact same answer.....i think i would still go for the dei cause its suppose to be alittle underrated and if that ppi are the new ones and not the old school ones then everyone says they arent suppose to bee all that so i would get the dei cause i was looking at that amp as well........and no they areny pretty much the same.
  6. well hopefully they will be able to tell me something tomm cause i know somethings wrong i just dont know what.....my big dilemma right now is either getting the sub amp,a bigger 4 channel for my cdt comps and 6x0 cause the alpine i have now is only pushing 40x4 and i need more power or a better HU like the pio 860mp or the eclipse 8445 so i dont know which im gonna do first.
  7. see i need to see what my subs are wired at.....and yes im pretty sure that the amp i have now is a POS for sure.....the orion 1200d is was i thinking about,do you think i would be able to notice a good difference if i went to the orion??? o yeah and the other day i tried to take the rca off that amp and it pulled the damn terminal out where the rca plugs into so thats never good i dont think.....
  8. well the amp that i have on there now is a POS bazooka (rsa150.2hc)....here are they specs pretty much www.lafayetteradio.com/amplifiers/RSA150.2HC.htm .....but i have the gains up and thats me thinking the amp is overrated by going on the specs with the gains up on the amp so thats what im guessin unless anyone else would think different i would just really like to know....
  9. hey guys its good to be a part of this so hopefully ill learn even more on here to help me build my sound system with the help and opinions of all you guys....sorry not trying to sound corny just saying what i hope to get out of this.
  10. natedizzle

    whats up guys......tx in the house

    i live here in A-TOWN..(amarillo).....not the greatest but it could be worse i guess.