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Everything posted by SKunk9381

  1. SKunk9381

    Did Someone say Speakers?

    Not you flakko... its the meaning of comments others have posted here! Sometimes things just dont sit well.. ya know?
  2. SKunk9381

    How to on sound deading

    Good stuff Thanks!!!!
  3. SKunk9381

    Did Someone say Speakers?

    People comment with out knowing the facts... You really think I would have said anything if I knew it was a secrete(published PUBLIC documents do not keep things secret!). I have not said anything about the Manufacturer which I was told was a SECRET! I just wanted people to talk about it! Tell your friends. Its good business for everyone. I run a business and I understand the penaltys of such infractions.. aka law suite for costing company profits ect.. Word to the wise. I would never screw anyone! Better yet if everyone would like to we can delete this post? Yes? Am I mad? Yes.. I do not like people questioning my integrity! I do enjoy a laugh though! Cant we all just get along???
  4. SKunk9381

    Did Someone say Speakers?

    http://www.12volt.com/archives/2006/022206.html OK??
  5. SKunk9381

    Did Someone say Speakers?

    Ohh come on.. It was published in the 12 volt magazine! How F-ing secret is that.. and I didnt drop the bomb on who is making them. It wouldnt hurt to get a little interest going would it?
  6. SKunk9381

    Did Someone say Speakers?

    What you mean by that?
  7. SKunk9381

    F-250 Extened cab?????

    Hey guys.. looking to do a system in my F-250 ext cab. Its the new body style 1999. Anyone have any install ideas? I have an eclipse 8445 installed. Nothing else clean slate! Pics? Previous installs you have done???? Thanks William
  8. SKunk9381

    F-250 Extened cab?????

  9. SKunk9381

    Did Someone say Speakers?

    eish.. Why do the always pick on me?
  10. SKunk9381

    F-250 Extened cab?????

    Ok how about decent sounding and loud as hell from a sealed box? And somewhat of a budget? Mabe 1-12 to conserve space 2 mabe.. NO 15's I dont care for the sound!
  11. SKunk9381

    Did Someone say Speakers?

    pms people.... useem - Flak jAcket
  12. SKunk9381

    Did Someone say Speakers?

  13. Did you know that of all places Circuit City is now stocking Eclpise?? I have just gotten and installed the CD-3000 and I do have to say it is VERY nice for the money. Not a ton of features that you dont need but it seems to have good clean sound. Nice 5v constant outputs from the pre-amp. A few built in EQ's and a somewhat OK cross-over. It playes MP3's ect and has a pretty nice display! I would love to see the CD-7000 in action. Then again.. I dont need navagation! Good day all!
  14. SKunk9381

    Dont we know this guy from somewhere?

    Waiting?? Did you say waiting? No SOUP for YOU!!!!!
  15. SKunk9381

    Dont we know this guy from somewhere?

    BTW flakko.. when do we get the info about the US speakers?
  16. SKunk9381

    Did Someone say Speakers?

    Hu? Renegade you always confuse me!!!
  17. SKunk9381

    Did Someone say Speakers?

    LOL.. Why man.. Its on a need to know basis!
  18. SKunk9381

    Eclipse CD-3000

    Will post tonight!
  19. SKunk9381

    Does the USAmp AX line have fuses?

    At this point I say send her away! It sounds like a quick fix!!!
  20. SKunk9381

    F-250 Extened cab?????

  21. SKunk9381

    Does the USAmp AX line have fuses?

    Looks like you knew where I was going with that.. Atleast in the Power Supply. Check or jump that Remote lead!!!
  22. SKunk9381

    Dont we know this guy from somewhere?

    LOL.. JR will be offended!
  23. SKunk9381

    Does the USAmp AX line have fuses?

    Well.. Are you sure your Head unit is sendind a turn on signal? You hit it with a DMM or test light? IF you dont have either of these you can take a small piece of wire and junp from the + on the amp to the Remote turn terminal and see if the amp will power up. Also make sure your ground is still tight. If you have some test cable make sure by running the ground right off the battery! Hope this helps. These are just a few in a jam test. I do not reccomend hooking it up as discribed above any longer then it takes to test! William
  24. SKunk9381

    Does the USAmp AX line have fuses?

    Did you get your amp working??? (back to the Topic)
  25. SKunk9381

    Horrifying Phtographs

    Ikes... How do they do these thing? I bet its like a game.. Dude #1 "dude.. I bet you cant break that" Dude #2 " whoa dude.. watch this...." Screech..........................BaNg@!@!@ Dude#1 "right on.. Smell my face" Dude#2 " That box is toast...Oh look one of those french boxes "Fragile" go long" Dude#1 "Richous" "Touch Down"