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  1. Yukhui

    got my mag 2 and rest of my stuff in

    That sucks about the Mazda 626. I am currently helping a friend with his '99 626 and even his 6x9's rattle the trunk! Just wait til that sub gets in, he'll really be pissed.
  2. Yukhui

    SI Mag vs. RE SX

    Well I had checked this brand out on realmofexcursion.com and they called the sub the prototype... That was what I'm talking about.
  3. Yukhui

    SI Mag vs. RE SX

    Well if you know how they compare to both models that would be very helpful.
  4. Yukhui

    SI Mag vs. RE SX

    Cool, how does this compare to the prototype they have?
  5. Yukhui

    SI Mag vs. RE SX

    Ok, about what size vented box could I expect to be putting a Mag 12 into? And what about a Mag 15?
  6. Yukhui

    SI Mag vs. RE SX

    I guess you guys convinced me, lol. I just want a real good system in my car to listen to and enjoy as well as to show kids around here what a real sub is. All they talk about is audiobahn. I used to think that maybe people on forums were exaggurating about kids talking about the audiobahns in there trunks but it really does happen! Just tonight my friend had to show me his two 12" Audiobahn dub mags. It was pretty loud but woah did that sound terrible.
  7. Yukhui

    SI Mag vs. RE SX

    Ok so lets say I could get a SI MAG 12" for about $350. At the same time, I could be getting a RE SX 15" for $250. I am looking for LSQ and hear they both sound good. How much better SQ would the Mag have? How much better SPL would the SX have? Which is the best bang for the buck?