Thanks for the input guys, after doing a little searching around the net I found some pics and it does indeed look like an uberwoofer. I don't know much about them but it sounds like they are pretty rare? I found a little info as to the specs of them but nothing to in depth. I do have a box for it with a "tunable diaphragm" or something of the sort. I'll post some pics of the box. And as for putting it on a amp I have laying around, the only one at my immediate disposal is the zapco c2k-3.0x and I need to work something out for the symbilink input it has. I want to get a zapco pre-amp/eq but I'm working on getting the funds. I've been playing with car audio for some time now but never anything to high end so I still have a lot to learn. Anyways here's a few more pictures of the box and stuff.