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Everything posted by djteks

  1. djteks

    do ya thing

    thats crazy bruh...i did it too....props too you
  2. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    i had the front windows down about 25% i may be wrong but this may be called midwest style
  3. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    no.............. i put the meter in my box behind the sub
  4. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    i myself dont have a cam o my crapy phone bruh...just the basics....but the guy who owns the shop here dont care much he just sets me up with a cd of sounds and kind of lets me loose with the TL on and i try things out like seats up seats down windows up down doors open ect... and im new too also this still not sure what im doing with the TL.. and i understand were u comin from but i have also seen a single btl 12 hit over 149.5... it all depends on the install.....in my case i have a good car for it....with the size and seats and all... but aside from that....i can more than max out a set of bl 12's in my big ass box on my crescendo lol... i gained about 3 db. just for facing my box forward.....but i dont think it sounds as good facing me as it does facing the trunk... but it is the truth.....on the other hand i have my settings back to where i am peaking at 140 db.....im not sure what a bl can take daily but how they sounded it was sketchy only turn it up for TL....most times i like it around 130 or 55 volume on the HU......
  5. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    thanks for the info big help...also yes both seats fold down...both are kept down at all times lol
  6. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    i will get an exact number and hopfully some pics and or videos posted in my gallery for the people
  7. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    ok i made a phone call and i was told that he thinks it was around 47hz but he also is not sure.... but i belive the guy would know
  8. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    150.7 @ ??hz
  9. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    running a 1 -100hz sweep...i not 100% sure....i do know it was a bit higher to the ear than i like my bass.. 150.7 @ ??hz
  10. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    i was told we are running my amp at 2900 watts....a bit under rms..rms would be 3370 its is turned down as of now...i dont need that much juice too get good sound with my box.. What was your rise and clamped power?
  11. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    i have answered every question back to back as far as i can see.....
  12. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    ban yourself bruh lol....dont get mad 150.7 @ ??hz And where at? and what in? Who what when where how? Never post on SSA again......
  13. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    lil toyota sedan....from the dash
  14. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    not 100% sure will post after next TL we ran i 1 to 100hz sweep i belive.... in a forward facing box in a toyota corolla..from the dash 150.7 @ ??hz And where at? and what in?
  15. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    1 ohm load around 3000 watts
  16. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    i have never seen it too hot to touch...but it does get real warm after long bump sessions
  17. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    indeed sub level is back down to -6 lol... it was just for one sweep
  18. i would think like a rockford 1500 would be a great match for those
  19. there is no making up for a lack of shop experience.......get a job at a local shop....its what i did
  20. i dont want you to get me wrong im a fi owner due to the fact that both the subs and the service are great..... DD is cool and a great product but its not for me....i dont want my comments to be taken as talking down on fi.... and also as i said with a proper install there should not be any problems.... but from time to time i have seen subs and amps fail for no reason or fault of the buyers.. i am not saying that such as in the case of the optidrive amp the company should have to repair or replace as that was just stupid on the buyers part.. all im saying is i like to have faith that if everything is right on my end....and no corners are cut....and i am running a proper install...and for some unknown reason.. an amp or sub or my deck fail to work...that the company is there to help me with products still under warranty..... that being said.....the bl and btl would be my favorite types of subs for any type of install.. and i look forward always having fi products in my car.. also i respect the fact that a company has to put out alot of money to make money...and can not just pay for mistakes they did not make..i know how it is the bottom line is the most important thing.....aside from the reputaion of the company........i had a bad experience with JL one the phone for instance... i will never use their products again...they are rude and a bit shady..... No part of any warranty anywhere will cover burned parts or anything.. Including doing something dumb. Cool. I've owned nearly every DD woofer that they've ever built. I had a pair of the first run of 9915's that they ever produced and turned them inside out 5 times. Guess what? I paid 300 dollars per recone. We take care of people definitely WAY more then we should. In fact for the first time in a number of years one person actually packaged their woofer up properly and sent it back with all of the correct paper work and information attached with it. I called the gentleman and asked him what size shirt he wore because this was the first time in well over 3 years that we've ever got anything back that was done correctly. It's a shame that you have to reward somebody for having a bit of intelligence and actually READING the stickers on the outside of the packaging material, and the warranty slip inside of each and every box. The fact is that none of those products (Aside from DD which are assembled in Oklahoma) are built in the US. It's easy to eat the cost on an amp when you don't have to pay anybody to do anything other then put a UPS label on it there is a big difference. There is absolutely no sense in a company having to pay for something that you did. If you'd like to talk about the other end of the spectrum you can also look at the 3kwp amps are selling for $550ish a piece right? So you have 1 die...then you have 5..then you have 30. So now you have to sell 250 amps to be able to even cover cost of what you have lost to even pay the bills... Business and Marketing is a LOT more complicated then I think you have a grasp on...there's nothing wrong with doing somebody a favor...but if you are cutting your own throat your mother raised a fool. We can take the Ryan-Air approach to things if you'd like. If you are handicapped and need a wheel chair to go from one end of the airport to another you've gotta pay for it. Regards.
  21. this is what you do....... go ahead and get the DD......and the BTL for an amp you will need a kicker warhorse... make sure to run it at max gain tho...... then you will need a flux capacitor and a lab coat....plug the subs in make sure they are off phase run them full out lpf is for rookies... make sure you have the electrical to back it
  22. djteks

    Where can i get my system Metered?

    check all your local shops....if they dont have one...look online for a meter.......my buddy got one from a kid on youtube cheap
  23. djteks

    Where can i get my system Metered?

    thats messed up bruh...im livin in nebraska right now lol....town of about 20 thousand....i just went to my local shop they had TL.. im from texas...dallas....stayed out in corpus and san an tho...hate to hear they dont hat shit there i have never found that to be true..... i called every shop in austin texas and san antonio texas ... and no one had a meter..... thats why i bought one.
  24. djteks

    6.5 budget speakers

    ya i myself am planning on getting these Where can the Crescendo comps be purchased?