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Everything posted by djteks

  1. djteks

    should i sell my new navigator?

    my project car is a 1995 toyota corolla....30 miles to the gallon and easy to get alot of noise......tiny cab and both back seats fold down...thats always a +... im thinkin bout gettin a towncar on them thangs lol...know what im sayin
  2. djteks

    good amp for a fi bl 12?

    aside from what ppl think so far...im a honest man...and i will tell you...i did just pull that out of thin air i did not know his car...i just asumed reguar car 2 door or 4 door...and said 140's its what a bl 12 will do it most cars with the right setup.....low 130's at worst i would think...if you have a bl in the 120's u wasted your money what kinda car does he have? i missed that part. but you said that with out knowing right>? be honest!
  3. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    if im not trippin the TL mic is the lil box stuck to my windsheild right? come again>?
  4. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    the mic was placed at the front windsheild stuck onto it i think with suction cps
  5. djteks

    should i sell my new navigator?

    true me myself....i dont like driving a SUV dont like ridin high lol... but i like the thot of having so much build room....thats all...like a playground to me yeah no question about space.. but a huge reason that im having these thoughs is because i just really dont like the feeling of it.. and eveyone has them and its just not a towncar.....
  6. djteks

    good amp for a fi bl 12?

    97 accord i stand by my text and still say he can hit 140s if he does things right what kinda car does he have? i missed that part.
  7. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    they guy sticks in to my driver window on the passenger side....... and i know the power was dirty.....but i do run a clean 140 db. i have heard i can get a bit more at the kick....but also from what i have heard that does not count.. also i heard windows have to be up for it to be how it would be done in a comp...not sure if this is true and i am not running them like this daily...it was no more than 60 seconds....i dont want to blow my subs...but i have faith in fi's products...and no harm was done....just got a lil bit warm
  8. djteks

    good amp for a fi bl 12?

    and if you do your build right you should have no problem hitting in the 140s with a single bl 12
  9. djteks

    good amp for a fi bl 12?

    a rockford 1500 a saz 1500 or 1000 would be your best bets
  10. djteks

    good amp for a fi bl 12?

    i will i know that....keep my name in your mouth if you go with 2 12" bl's and a CRESCENDO 3k amp. you can get to 150!!!!!! :X lol but seriously lol, what are your goals? budget? there is alot of amps out there you can choose from.
  11. djteks

    should i sell my new navigator?

    alot of hate shown on my post.......but still i gota be honest......you can do alot car audio wise with any SUV... i have been looking into a 2008 denali for some 15's or 18's....dont know what kind of subs....4 btls maybe but i was also looking at the soundstream xxx's
  12. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    there will be plenty of pics and vids.... i plan to show all my installs in full always.. then double it all he should be hitting 290 db if you look at it that way and i think a vid is what is needed.
  13. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    shame for your buddy...........i belive there is a place online you can see a single bl 12 hit 147 or a lil higher..... dont be mad.....get glad bruh.....i dont hate on you and yours...and right now you sounding really alot like a hater... Once I re cone my woofers you can come over and watch me break a 150. His numbers are BS simple as that....... Took my buddy two 15"s on 6k to get into 50's from the trunk of his car and that was fart box.
  14. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    na double would be like 149 in his setup lol but thats not my car...not my box....not my amp...all these things matter.... also im running a bit more than double power from him then double it all he should be hitting 290 db if you look at it that way and i think a vid is what is needed.
  15. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    more than possible its fact....it seems to me some ppl did not hit 150 and now im taking heat but it is more than ok....i will turn the other cheek....i wont hold any grudge when all is said and done
  16. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    well in truth i i still have a good deal more power to give....i could fry my bls np...i could still get alot more out of my amp even at 1 ohm...i have a kinetik 16v laying around and that too would do a great deal... and for another thing i dont have a cell with a cam due to the fact that i have never needed one until now lol... but even with this doubt.....im not going to go upgrade my phone.... i will be looking for a digital cam to get proof so im not even sure why at the point what i can only call haters keep bumpin their gums..... and as far as this 10 db out of the sky...this is simply now true....i have it to give at any time...as i have said in almost all past posts....i was afraid to turn the bl's up... i have still not seen 70 volume on my HU while the subs are on....i dont go past 65.....im not sure but i think i can go to 90 on the avn7000 might be 80... i gain about a db from every time i raise my sub level from -6 to +6 i also gain a db boost from loudness...raising my EQ also does a small bit..... and i have yet to touch the bass boost on the amp.......i like to keep all the things off....and that is 140 db. thats my point... you know it take double the power to gain only 3DB... but somhow you found a way to get 10 DB out of the sky.... and i just cant seem to shut up here.. but if you have 8 grand in your car.. why wouldent you spend a 100 bucks on a new cell phone... you should buy my custom nightshade, 18 unless your stuck on FI...... i used to run FI my self.
  17. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    truth enough said...
  18. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    there are only pics of my box and subs right now...all tho on the same phone there are also pics od my eclipse and my big 3 amp and batts...but i dont have them posted yet waiting for my buddy to let me get them.....but this would not prove my tl...as i said i will be here for a long time too come...and will get everthing posted in time
  19. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    this is true...and i understand this... but this install did not happen over night.... or even with one set of subs or amps... it has been alot of trial and error along with countless man hours... it has taken over a year and around 8 thousand dollars of work and products.. far more than the value of the car the audio is in.. and we have gone over every inch of this car to make sure everything is all it can be.. all thats left paint rims and a few things on the inside...all that im not 100% sure about yet also i was thinking about a body kit 2 12's doing 140 is believable on the right power. I'm not sayin i don't believe you but 1 has to wonder. You don't see people braking 150 everyday especially with 2 12's in a trunk car on 3k...
  20. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    come on ppl buck up worse things have happened...... days ago i seen a guy on the midwest forum hit 140 db. with two sony xpload 12's in the most bootleg box i ever seen... but i gave him his props and was on my way........ i love bass and everyone who works too get it is legit in my book
  21. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    its now a pain to me how true this is....im so sorry...all i can say is i will post once more when the proof is in place
  22. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    definatly not with this install to my knowlege 3 db. is some how double the sound...and as it is the sweeps sounded like they put alot of stress on my subs..and the bass was not clean like it is normaly....i will only be doing a few more TL at that volume one for pics and a video.....and another for the kid with the mojo's...but it honestly seems a bit much... from what i have heard a smaller box will let me take more power... but im planning a 18 btl in a 92 honda prelude for a buddy... should break a 150 with that also... would think i would need more cone area even on a btl to get to 155... trying to talk him into 2 15 btls if he does that i dont see why not....
  23. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    no nothing like that...it was legit....other than my box facing me and my window cracked....both give me a boost im not going to lie... but for some time now i have been trying to beat the 145. put up by 2 mojo 12's in a car that to my knowlege was not even sound proof'd ok weird... cause i was thinking if you had the lab running while you slamed the door with it sealed it would put up a good number if your car was mega sealed i have seen that happen before... also i have seen the wire come unlugged from the mic causeing a huge spike in number.
  24. djteks

    yeaaaaa 150 db.

    and i havent doubted you....but by the time i got on the board i was all ready in the 140s... and the fact is i was 139 with a prefab box with mtx 7500s on about 1k... was over 140 the second i put the fi's in the custom box.... and if you have read my post you would also know that... and you would know that that is with bass boost at 0 gain at 50% and sub level at 0 also with loudness on my HU turned off.... so i dunno what math you are adding up... but my knowlege is a bit limited i will admit.... but lucky for me i have a job to pay for my local shop to do my work... im not claiming i know more about car audio than you or that i have been on here longer than you... you are just trying to talk down on a person you dont know... and i 100% garuntee that i get more db in my box out of my trunk than i would get in one of your lincoln.. and in that way i mean it is install dependant.. and as i said your doubts will be put to rest as time goes on.... there will be more pics and vids of this install along with my next one... i dont want drama with you man.....so just keep your doubts to yourself feel me...
  25. djteks

    do ya thing

    was hard for me tho.... god knows how long... build started just over a year ago with the big 3 upgrade for me... did it check to check...