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About CordiaDOHC

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  1. CordiaDOHC

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    How much for 1 shipped to 63122?
  2. CordiaDOHC

    Sundown SA-8 Pre-Sale

    Well pending how much money I have left after ordering some new toys for my eclipse if I can get a shipping qoute to 63122 then im probably in for a D4
  3. CordiaDOHC

    Hi. Another new guy

    Yeah just another old school orion/ppi/soundtream (before the buyouts!!!) guy seeing whats new in the car audio world.
  4. CordiaDOHC

    Sundown 100.4d vs. J.L. 300/4

    Got to admit was never a JL fan. Always was a fan of the old school orion and ppi amps. But this time around I am trying a sundown amp due to the things ive heard about the amps and subs.
  5. CordiaDOHC

    Hi. Another new guy

    After hearing about the SA8's from a buddy decided to sign up and catch up. Stepped out of Car audio over a decade ago. Figure 1 SA8 in a shebalt will be decent enough from what i can tell by all the videos.
  6. CordiaDOHC

    How did you guys find SSA???

    Heard about sundown from a buddy. After having stepped out of car audio back in 98-99 the SA8's caught my attention.