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Everything posted by afarfsin

  1. afarfsin

    My version of an SQ / music boxx

    What's the giant line of glue curved across the top of the box? Not bad though. Last box I built was around 32hz and I thought it was darn near perfect.
  2. afarfsin

    Sundown Takes 1st

    hey hank did you ever get any of those amps from andrew?
  3. afarfsin

    Enclosure Fabrication

    I'm curious where you're located. I knew a guy a while back who said he was going to start his own company called Seductive Sounds.
  4. afarfsin

    2way & 3way

    Come on now...
  5. afarfsin

    Time for a change

    I've been reading and moderating threads like this for YEARS...
  6. afarfsin

    What is your box ported to?

    I haven't had anything that resembles a system in over a year, but last thing I had was an Atlas 12, around 2 cubes tuned to 32. I loved it. It was quite loud, to the ear anyway, in the Jeep I had, and sounded great IMO.
  7. afarfsin

    1 sub 149.0db

    Suck. Too bad you don't have a 16v system. That'd increase the 1500D's output quite a bit. that would also move me into another class... but im getting currious to see how they would preform with 16v i have an 8v & a 6v battery that rest @ 14.97v. just need to get off my Lazzy @ss and fixx a battery boxx to catch the over flow.. they seep whan they get hot ?!? I'm no rocket scientist by any means, but you've got a problem. If you want more voltage, throw those two junkers away and buy a single good battery or two that match.
  8. afarfsin

    It's on NOW...

    SS and I made up ! they approached me @ a show in Ft Worth and we reconciled our differences last yr, if it were not for there help i would not have been able to win Finals... blablabla... and the deal i got on this Monster was hard to pass up... How have things been with you ? Things are good here. No system in my truck still. No time, VERY little desire.
  9. afarfsin

    It's on NOW...

    I've seen you say many times that you would NEVER own anything from Soundstream again...
  10. afarfsin

    my SQ boxx

    Go here and look. Read, pay attention. It's overkill, yeah, but he owns the company, so he was making an example. http://www.secondskinaudio.com/forums/showthread.php?t=846 You need to do something similar, but not as extreme obviously.
  11. afarfsin

    Finals : 153.3db

    That Merc is the dumbest car ever...
  12. afarfsin

    154.6db last night

    That makes the most sense to me. I know every organization does it differently, but that seems like the best to me. pics please !!??!! i did give this a try Sunday @ the competition... got 147.3db with the mic on the passanger headrest and the drivers window opened 6" ??? i need to see how this test was done What do you want pics of? I just have an idea in my head man. Seems like the best way to meter something is where your head is in the car, actual listening location. Talk to someone you know there who's done more comps in different orgs. They might know better than me.
  13. afarfsin

    154.6db last night

    That makes the most sense to me. I know every organization does it differently, but that seems like the best to me.
  14. afarfsin

    154.6db last night

    Still, who meters like that? Try a legal reading just for kicks.
  15. afarfsin

    What to do ???

    Double sided tape will NOT work. The foam was a better idea.
  16. afarfsin

    Subs in an avalanche?

    http://www.splbassx.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=9262 http://www.splbassx.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7059 Not trying to push another forum on you, but Phil makes a few enclosures just for Av's. Don't know how it would work as far as using the midgate, but it's an option. And just an FYI, he is not working for a while due to a death in the family.
  17. Hmmm... Been into car audio since 1987, and not once, ever, in my life, have I paid MSRP. Anyone that does is an idiot. If a shop refuses to "make a deal", it's time to find another shop... you know.. one that actually wants to make money. Most reputable shops/salesmen know that there is exponentially more money to be made with repeat business than the one time sucker sale. True, but I'd bet at least 75% of enthusiasts don't realize that you can get more for less. That's why places like Best Buy and Circuit City still have install shops. Most people don't know about the internet based companies and the like.
  18. afarfsin

    25 inch sub anyone?

    Didn't Clarion put out a 36 or something like that a while back?
  19. afarfsin

    New SUV Build Up

    I just posted a reply on BassX.
  20. afarfsin

    starting from scratch

    Conditioner, curly hair. LMAO!
  21. afarfsin

    starting from scratch

    LMAO about you trying to get a Soundstream amp.
  22. afarfsin

    starting from scratch

    I already told you what to do................ That "IS" your opppppinions... i ment oppinions for which set of Fi subs, iv never seen one live which one do you think ? Well.... Scott Atwell, Shawn Flemming and Nick Morgan are all three personal friends of mine. I've known them for many years...so yes....I'm bias...sorry...can't give you an unbiased view of any of it. That will mean nothing to him. You'll have to explain who they are and what they mean to the industry. Not to sound mean, but those are just names to LB.
  23. afarfsin

    starting from scratch

    I did some digging and found this for you. Don't know if you'll understand it or not, but that's all I'm doing. http://forum.carstereos.org/build-wall-tut...;highlight=wall
  24. afarfsin

    SoundStream wont Sponsor Local Competition.

    Somewhere, on one of these forums, Loyd (bigbassman) posted a wall how-to. Maybe someone knows where it is.
  25. afarfsin

    SoundStream wont Sponsor Local Competition.

    It is not iban. He has the same screen name for every forum he's on, this one included. If he wanted to call you out, he would. And I'll get back to you on the PM, I've been busy.