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Everything posted by deernet

  1. deernet

    Welcome to the IHoP

    <object width="384" height="283" align="middle"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="movie" value="http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/bp-oil-spill-cold-open/1228147"'>http://widget.nbc.com/videos/nbcshort_at.swf?CXNID=1000004.10045NXC&widID=4727a250e66f9723&clipID=1228147&showID=61&siteurl=http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/bp-oil-spill-cold-open/1228147"/><param'>http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/bp-oil-spill-cold-open/1228147"'>http://widget.nbc.com/videos/nbcshort_at.swf?CXNID=1000004.10045NXC&widID=4727a250e66f9723&clipID=1228147&showID=61&siteurl=http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/bp-oil-spill-cold-open/1228147"/><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" /><embed src="http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/bp-oil-spill-cold-open/1228147"'>http://widget.nbc.com/videos/nbcshort_at.swf?CXNID=1000004.10045NXC&widID=4727a250e66f9723&clipID=1228147&showID=61&siteurl=http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/bp-oil-spill-cold-open/1228147" quality="high" bgcolor="#000000" width="384" height="283" align="middle" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed></object> Die BP! Edit: can't embed videos aparently, not this one anyways. Try this: http://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/bp-oil-spill-cold-open/1228147 SNL skit mocking BP covering for their oil leak...
  2. deernet

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Makes me sad something like this is only used for political gain and not because it's a good rule. Personally I can easily see this turning into a slippery slope very quickly Yep. I'm of the same mind. Sex offenders are the scum of the earth and I don't want to see them get out any time soon, but the way they went around this it horrible. Doesn't help that with the laws currently on the books, you just have to be at the wrong place at the wrong time and its a sex crime Agreed. I would support a law to keep child molesters, PROVEN child molesters behind bars for a long, LONG, time. As it stands now though, in some states a 19 year old can be charged with rape for having sex with an 18 year old. Not to mention numerous cases of women crying rape when it was later proven it either didn't happen, or she admitted it was consensual.
  3. deernet

    New Facebook Features on SSA!

    Wow, you need a whole bookmarks folder for "bail bonds"? You must stay in trouble a lot. haha
  4. deernet

    6 position jumper

    I know most of you will probably frown on this, but I've NEVER had a wirenut fail in the mobile environment. I always tape them up to make sure nothing can poke inside and make connection, but they're a lot cheaper than terminal strips. I guess they are anyways, I always got them for free, haha.
  5. deernet

    Worst Movie You've Ever Seen

    sounds like a movie that would be on scifi channel I've read reviews, and I don't think scifi would show anything this screwed up. I've looked for it a while back and never could find it. I'll probably search again now. I think it was a film festival flick when I first read about it. From what I read, it's about a guy (doctor maybe?) that abducts three people, and performs a horrendous experiment.... He sews ones mouth to the others ass. Now I must admit, this seems like it couldn't be a very great or enlightening film, but I'd like to see it. Sounds original. Edit: Found one! I'll post how I liked it by this weekend most likely.
  6. deernet

    Worst Movie You've Ever Seen

    <br />It was like a train wreck, i couldn't look away <img src='http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/forum/public/style_emoticons/default/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='' /><br /><br /><br /><br />Where ya'll messed up is watching it on cable... I thought it was an ALLRIGHT B movie, I've seen much worse, and there were plenty of tits, haha. The worst movie I've seen lately is probably "The Box".
  7. deernet

    6 position jumper

    Using the terminal strips, your just splitting the power from your remote wire, which might be fine for a couple of amps. Once you add in the electric fans, your probably going to be drawing more than what just your remote wire can output. By using the relay, you can have your remote wire trigger 12v from battery to go to however many devices you want to be controlled by your remote wire.
  8. deernet

    6 position jumper

    You need a relay.
  9. deernet

    my xcon died :(

    Wait... So your saying that you came from a concert to your car (moms station wagon?), and found that your one sub wasn't as loud as a building full of professional audio equipment, so you thought you would crank the gain to compensate?
  10. deernet

    my xcon died :(

    You'd think that having over a hundred posts a month you would have learned more. Maybe you should focus more on reading and less on typing.
  11. On my T1500, I'm wondering if I should leave the Infrasonic Filter on or off. It came from the factory with it off, I can't tell much of a difference with it on. Right now I've got the frequency set at around 110. I've heard everyone say to set it around 80, and it does sound a little deeper there, but on some songs, "Late Night Tip" mainly, there are some bass notes that are left out with it at 80. With it set a little higher, I can hear everything. I've got the gain set at 5, and the Punch EQ set around half way. Anyone think I should change anything? Just figured I would see what everyone's opinion is.
  12. is bumping his BTL

  13. is bumping his BTL

  14. is bumping his BTL

  15. Never messed with any Powerbass stuff, but I'm loving my T1500. I've also always had great reliability out of RF products.
  16. deernet

    run your car on water????

    Dude, if it was, don't you think that a lot more people would be doing it? Running a car on hydrogen is possible, but its pretty complicated, from what I've heard.
  17. After what seems like forever, I finally got my box finished today, and got my BTL in my truck and hooked up. I've never heard bass like this before! This thing f***ing POUNDS! I've still not put in my upgraded alternator yet, but the T-1500 seems to be doing fine so far.
  18. deernet

    run your car on water????

    I seriously doubt it, and no legitimate site would have pop-ups when you try to close their site...
  19. Yeah, I know I need more midbass. I've got the XXX components, I just haven't had time to glass them into my doors. Hopefully that will fix my midbass problem. As far as I can tell, with the Punch EQ at halfway its not clipping, and it definitely sounds better than with it off.
  20. deernet

    Sad, but good...

    So your paying for that '09 vehicle your getting, that your dad is worried about the warranty on?
  21. deernet

    Fi BTL 18" (1) Enclosure specs

    Picture of my 7.65 ft^3 box in my Explorer:
  22. deernet

    Fi BTL 18" (1) Enclosure specs

    If you expect anyone to help you, you need to take a tape measure and go see what kind of space you have to work with. Not everyone on this site has an Explorer, although I do, haha. What kind of Explorer is it by the way? 4-door? 2-door? I also have an 18" BTL. I used this enclosure with a couple modifications that I found right here on SSA, and I love it. Sound Solutions Audio - 18" XCON Optimal Ported Enclosure Edit: Jay-C beat me to it. Also, why do you want 10 cubes? I've got a huge box, yours is going to be gargantuan if you go with 10 cubes.
  23. deernet

    Sad, but good...

    Only if the modifications are the cause of the problem. Like, they can't say that because your air conditioner goes out its not covered because you have an aftermarket system. This is due to the Magnesum-Moss act. Now, if your alternator, or something to do with the charging system went out, I wouldn't look for it to be covered unless you tried to cover the fact that you had an aftermarket system installed. Which he is already stating that he plans on doing. Personally, if I was going to have a shop do the work, I would leave it alone if it sounds good. I've heard stories of people leaving an installer, coming back twenty minutes later and saying that they're sub is blown. When the installer has a look at it, the person turned the gains up to the max. To the OP, it sounds like you don't have a lot of experience with car audio, it also sounds like your dad is paying for everything. If a shop does it, I would leave it alone, because if the shop does warranty it, that is going to be void if you go and start messing with everything they did.
  24. deernet

    Finally got my box built and my BTL in...

    Would if I could find mine man. I've got a nice Canon Elph thats been lost at my dads house for over a year, haha. I've looked everywhere for that thing, I'm going to have to break down and buy another one.