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About ballpienhammer

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  1. ballpienhammer

    CDs stuck

    Got them out! Top one came out with a fine curved dental forceps. 2nd then ejected. Thanks, bph
  2. ballpienhammer

    CDs stuck

    Yes, well, there's gotta be some kind of a little plastic tool or a hidden release for just such occasions. I'm sure I'm not the first idiot who's done this. A dealer will probably charge me the price of a new radio to do this. It is a Ford Ranger original equipment stereo. I tried pulling the neg battery cable and rehooking it after 5 minutes. Didn't work.
  3. ballpienhammer

    car audio CD player problem

    You gotta be kiddin' me! There's gotta be some kinda little plastic tool or something the pro's use for just such an emergency. I can't believe this isn't an everyday occurrence. bph
  4. ballpienhammer

    CDs stuck

    OK; I slid a cd into the slot while another was inside(which I though I had ejected). Tried the eject button a few times resulting in some clicking sounds but no CD popped out. I am afraid to push any tools inside fearing cd and/or stereo damages. The original cd played fine an hour before I inserted the second one. bph
  5. ballpienhammer

    car audio CD player problem

    please assist in removing cds w/o damaging them or the player. This is a single cd player. Thanks,bph
  6. ballpienhammer

    CDs stuck

    2 cds stuck in car stereo! Please help.