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Everything posted by Ohjay

  1. Should be just fine, Monster makes a high quality product, I've never been dissatisfied with anything they make that I have experience with. Cost is the only con I can think of.
  2. Ohjay

    SSA needs to step up there shipping!!!

    Try to contact Denim, maybe he can help. I believe Stefan is right about Sundown being behind right now.
  3. Ohjay

    SSA needs to step up there shipping!!!

    Indeed, have you tried PMing/emailing Aaron (aka Denim) and asking him about your order?
  4. Ohjay

    SSA needs to step up there shipping!!!

    What did you order?
  5. Ohjay

    which sub?

    Glad you found something you like.
  6. Ohjay

    Soo... sub choices with avail room... 18-20ft^3

    Are you considering Sundown at all? They likey the small box, you could probably fit four 15" subs.
  7. Ohjay

    Mac N Cheese's build log

    Go buy that GTI, I love those cars, someday I may buy one for meself.
  8. Ohjay

    SBN 2011 Random Footage + Bass Mekanik IA Track

    Thanks for sharing, looks like a good time
  9. Audiopipe will probably be the cheapest way to get a decent amp that will make the power you want @2ohms. If you're buying new that is.
  10. x3 Kicker 1500.1 This would be a great match
  11. He was a nice enough guy, responded to my emails very quickly and was helpful/polite to me as well. I decided to go with DC though as they offer more power and their unit works with all the factory schtuffs.
  12. Well, I've been looking for a ho alt for my brother's Caliber and so far, the only company that has said they can/will build one is Excessive Amperage. I was wondering if anyone here had any experience at all with them. Nathan said he would build me a 200a unit that will do approx. 130 at idle. He also said that the alt is controlled by the car's computer and suggested I also purchase an adjustable external regulator from him for another $135. I'm not sure I need the regulator as we don't ever plan on running at higher voltage. Any input is very appreciated.
  13. Thanks for all the input guys, I appreciate it. I talked to Kyle about it for a while over the phone and I will be ordering from DC Power tomorrow.
  14. Are you going to be running an amplifier for your front stage?
  15. Ohjay

    New Woofas

    Got damn I need to step my game up.
  16. Ohjay

    hows it going gentlement

    Very nice to the forum.
  17. Ohjay

    New Woofas

    oh you lucky dog you
  18. Ohjay

    I'm Back....

  19. Ohjay

    Sealed 15

    I don't think you could go wrong with either really. My vote would be for the Xcon though.
  20. Ohjay

    JUST Finished My Doors!!

    Looks good, I like it.
  21. Ohjay

    Bravox CS603CF's back in stock

    Helluva deal, I need to go back to work, I'm missing out on too many great deals. School doesn't pay well.
  22. Ohjay

    Saying Hello...

  23. Fackin' nice, I'd be quick to remove my backseat for those beauties.
  24. build your own bracket? might not be pretty but it shouldn't be too hard to fab up something.