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Everything posted by Ohjay

  1. Ohjay

    Review of an SSA DCON 12"

    Great review, thanks!
  2. Ohjay

    North Dakota Noob

  3. Ohjay

    BL or BTL for this amp..

    BTL hands down
  4. Ohjay

    New SSA member

  5. Ohjay

    SPL mini-meet

    Looks like alot of fun.
  6. Ohjay

    Happy Birthday porkchop

    Happy Birthday Chop! Hope you have a great one.
  7. Ohjay

    Subs installed

    let's see 'em
  8. Ohjay

    Sundown X-8 Work in Progress

    got damn
  9. Ohjay

    Grasshopper's Hoe

    This should be good.
  10. Ohjay

    monte carlo ss wall build

    Scary, I hate driving when I'm tired. Glad to hear it was a guard rail and not a tree or creek or something really bad.
  11. Ohjay

    Happy Birthday Mark LaFountain

    Happy Birthday!
  12. Ohjay

    Car shipping

    It should be no sweat to make it in 8 hours. I'm right in the middle being just outside OKC, I could maybe give you a ride? It's been a while since I went on a road trip, might be nice.
  13. Ohjay

    Sir-Lancelot's 18" Zcons

    Great flex, that XL is a beast for sure. Excellent work, I believe I've been inspired tonight
  14. I'll have to come check 'em out after I get back from the zoo.
  15. Ohjay

    Small S10 build

  16. Ohjay

    Skar Audio Hair Trick in my Bu

    Nice, the Skars get down.
  17. Ohjay

    DC Power on TV

    Nice. I love my DC alt.