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Everything posted by Ohjay

  1. I wouldn't wire it to .5 for daily, might try it for burps though.
  2. Ohjay

    new from tampa florida

    to SSA
  3. Ohjay

    Sixdogs1 12 8" Sundowns Check it.

    X2 the Magnum is a sweet vehicle.
  4. Ohjay

    SA-8 pre-ordered, time to build a box!

    you can't wire a dual 2 ohm sub to 2 ohms
  5. Ohjay

    so im putting subs in my 1965 mustang....

    I'd go for the Dcon or 187
  6. Ohjay

    New Truck, New Build

    Interested in seeing how this one turns out.
  7. Sounds fine, give 'er a charge.
  8. Ohjay

    1996 Ford Escort Build

    I like that color scheme on the box. I bet he's much happier now with some good bass in the Escort.
  9. Ohjay

    Box build for two SA-10's 35HZ range.

    Terminal plate? Are you going to use that thing? I've never seen anyone run something like that.
  10. Ohjay

    08 Dodge Ram 2500 Mega Diesel (Full Custom)

    Ooh brand noo powah
  11. Ohjay

    comp vt

    I think Dcons or Sundown's new SD-2 series would fit your budget better and still be a better option than those CVTs.
  12. Ohjay


    4th order vented should be fine. Focus on tuning reading fail
  13. Ohjay

    comp vt

    What is your idea of everything the system will need? 2 icons will take more than 1/3 of your budget.
  14. Ohjay


    I found this in 4 seconds http://www.google.com/search?q=4th+order+bandpass&hl=en&biw=1366&bih=518&prmd=ivns&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ei=Eh8STtT6NOLIsQLjo-DUDw&sqi=2&ved=0CC4QsAQ
  15. Ohjay

    Mac's GTI build

    Man I love the GTIs, I've always wanted one. Looks good n loud
  16. Ohjay


    Damn you're lazy boy, try the search function, or google.
  17. Ohjay

    Bass Heads ENT customer build 08 Titan Crewcab

    indeed, grey carpet fail FTL
  18. Ohjay

    Welcome to the IHoP

    so I should be packing her full of mud?
  19. Ohjay


    Who told you that? What makes them think the BTL will be loudest?
  20. Ohjay

    Galacticmonkey's Avalanche distance test and flex

    Loud n clear.
  21. Ohjay


    Do some research to see what you think you might like best or just pick one, any of the 3 will be loud as fuck. In the proper enclosure, each one of these will do what you want.
  22. Ohjay

    Bass Heads ENT customer build 08 Titan Crewcab

    Nice work, the enclosure and amp rack look great.
  23. Ohjay

    Mosquito Bites

    I use clear nail polish, super glue or ammonia for tick, chigger and mosquito bites. Avon Skin So Soft works great as a repellent. I buy the big jug of it and refill little spray bottles, I try to keep one in my tackle box and one in every car.
  24. Ohjay

    sundown z v.3 or nightshade

    X eleventy billion No need to run at .5