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Everything posted by Ohjay

  1. Ohjay

    Help needed - system questions

    That MB Quart amp will provide plenty of power for those Type Rs. As for the head unit, I can't tell you much as I don't use any of those features and run a old ass Alpine cd player myself. A good head unit should provide enough power for those coaxials in your setup though, install them and then decide whether or not you would like to give them more power. to SSA, let's see some pics of that 'stang!
  2. Ohjay

    Want to upgrade from a 12" to two 12"

    A pair of Dual 1s can be wired down to a 1ohm load as well.
  3. Ohjay

    Welcome to the IHoP

  4. Ohjay

    Fi BTL 18 Review

    Just in case you didn't catch it, this thread is 2 years old and the subwoofers discussed are last generations BTL, not the new N2 model. to SSA btw
  5. mind giving me a link on this charger? i had a xspower 12.15 charger but i left on the back of my dad bumper and he lost it somewhere driving and said he ant paying shit so i dont feel like cashing out another 200bucks Boy, that sucks.
  6. did you get any traps? taking out one or two could make all the difference
  7. Ohjay

    Fi BTL N1

    N2 for you most likely
  8. Ohjay

    New from CC, TX

    to SSA
  9. Ohjay

    Julian's 2011 Mustang

    Dcons baybee
  10. Ohjay

    Ernie's 2 12" Demo Car Build | New PICS p4

    we'll be waiting
  11. Ohjay

    Welcome to the IHoP

    This kid here can help ya keep the milk flowing.
  12. Ohjay

    thanks for the sponsorship

  13. Sounds to me like you need Have your battery checked out before you replace it, and if it's ok, buy a secondary battery rather than replacing it. Keep the gains and volume down until you can get your voltage figured out.
  14. Ohjay

    RUSH :D

    Definitely Canada's top rock band.
  15. Ohjay

    Newbie from DFW

    to SSA!
  16. Ohjay

    Looking for a 15" sub

    The RE SRx is not a bad low power sub and does well in smaller ported boxes.
  17. Ohjay

    Looking for a 15" sub

    Sundown SA-15 is a 600 rms sub but will do well in a small ported enclosure, the enclosure you have now is pretty small though, alot smaller than recommended for more 15" subs.
  18. Ohjay


    to SSA
  19. Ohjay

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm not sure if something like this is what you're after but it might work, it's pretty impervious to the elements, won't melt or crumble over time either. It's pretty good stuff, I used to use it when I was erecting steel buildings to seal up roof panels and such to prevent leaks. I have a bunch of it still and if you would like, I will send you some for free, you can try it out and if you don't like it, simply clean it off and try something else. http://www.bestmaterials.com/detail.aspx?ID=15727
  20. Ohjay

    Hey, are Americans fat???

    We're definitely not calorie counters 'cause we can't count that high.
  21. Ohjay

    Hookup FI Q to Audioque Amp

    10 is bad, get yourself a dmm and check it out. That dmm will become your best friend, a $15 meter from any hardware store will be fine.
  22. Ohjay

    Hookup FI Q to Audioque Amp

    Got a multimeter? You can use it to measure your voltage at the amp while you're playing music to at least get an idea of your voltage drops at idle. This is much easier when you have a buddy to help either measure or play dj.
  23. Ohjay

    First comp. with the XCON's

    Stripper poles!
  24. Ohjay

    Hey, are Americans fat???

    LMAO the poor, helpless, defenseless food