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Everything posted by Ohjay

  1. Ohjay

    Box build for Fi SSD 15

    I'm just down the road in Seminole. It's nice to see more people from this area. Are you going to IFO this weekend or MECA state finals next weekend?
  2. Ohjay

    Welcome to the IHoP

    that hat is pretty sweet
  3. I've been hearing this about using a ground cable for the alt but I've never used one, nor has anyone else I've ever known and nobody has had any problems at all.
  4. Same as every other vehicle I've ever worked on, why would you need to add a ground cable to something that is bolted to the engine block?
  5. Ohjay

    Welcome to the IHoP

  6. Does your factory alt. have a ground wire?
  7. I just sold a Soundstream Picasso 75x2 that would have fit your budget perfectly. You could look for one of those, here are a couple more options in your price range. I have the older model of this one here and it works well and has lasted a good while. http://www.audiosavings.com/products/2-channel-Car-Amplifier/NEW-US-AMPS-XT800.2-V3-800-WATT-2-CHANNEL-CAR-AMPLIFIER/XT800.2+V3N.aspx This is the next size up from the one I just sold and is 110 x 2 for under $100. http://www.audiosavings.com/products/2-channel-Car-Amplifier/NEW-SOUNDSTREAM-PCX2.350-2-CHANNEL-CAR-AMPLIFIER-AMP/PCX2.350.aspx This kicker is nice but is $115. http://www.audiosavings.com/products/2-channel-Car-Amplifier/KICKER-08DX300.2-CLASS-D-2-CHANNEL-AMPLIFIER-DX300.2/08DX300.2.aspx These are just a few that I found on one site within a few minutes, you might be able to find something more to your liking if you look around a bit. Good luck finding what you're looking for, I have a couple more nice 2 channels but they are a little out your stated budget.
  8. Ohjay

    Welcome to the IHoP

    The front stage fandango is in full swing. I'm also looking to upgrade and will be starting on it very soon, I know my choice of mids/tweets is far from perfect but we're gonna see how it turns out and as long as I'm satisfied, all will be well in the world (my own little world that is).
  9. Great idea, I would love to come but it's several hundred miles away
  10. Is this a daily driver? If it gets used often so that the batteries will stay charged, you can wire them parallel without any problems, if this vehicle is a show or competition vehicle that will not be used very often, you can either run an isolator or simply disconnect the batteries from each other via fuse to ensure that neither battery will be damaged.
  11. Ohjay

    Update on my subwoofer?

    It doesn't take a genius to know that packaging in that manner is unacceptable.
  12. Ohjay

    what hertz is best for my truck??

    I will likely be using a removable slot port on mine, I do think aeros would be easier though.
  13. Ohjay

    what hertz is best for my truck??

    I wish we could have made it to Bixby but funds didn't allow it. We will probably show up at IFO this weekend (we'll be about 10-15 deep with a couple spl vehicles) or State Finals the weekend after next but I will not be competing as the subs have been sold as of yesterday. New subs have been ordered though so we will be back up and bangin' soon. 2 new builds coming soon hopefully.
  14. Ohjay

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Better heads They were back then, but the entire engine is a different beast from the Windsors. Indeed, the Cleveland is a much different beast, the 351 is huge and has the potential to make some real serious power. They are nearly impossible to find now at decent prices.
  15. Luckily mine has a tailgate that will not open unless the window is rolled down completely which takes a key or power to be turned on via key turned on or to acc. Even if they break the back glass they can't open the gate and remove the enclosure.
  16. Ohjay


    to SSA!!!
  17. Ohjay


    No problem buddy, glad you like it.
  18. Ohjay

    Death Penalty 12 D2

    to SSA! Love the name btw.
  19. Sorry to hear about your loss, I think an alarm should be installed before you even think about buying more equipment.
  20. Ohjay


    Death Row
  21. Ohjay

    Emperors Daily driver tp the dealers

    Very nice! Looks great with the amps in the floor.
  22. Ohjay

    Welcome to the IHoP

  23. Ohjay

    Problem with front speakers

    What is with all the -1s?