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Everything posted by Ohjay

  1. Ohjay

    The SSA ZCON 18"s rebuild!

    Looks good so far, this should be a sweet build.
  2. Ohjay

    Sealing off a 2 18"s walkthough.

    Nice! moving some air fa sho
  3. I think they love being in the port.
  4. Ohjay

    $600 small budget setup

    That's a sweet deal on that 5 channel.
  5. Major damage ftl this time. A new project could be fun though
  6. Ohjay

    2 vvx-15 at 2 ohm planet audio 2400.1

    The guys at Alerion Enclosures could fix you right up.
  7. Ohjay

    2 vvx-15 at 2 ohm planet audio 2400.1

  8. Ohjay

    New build being planned and I can decide

    two 15" drivers = 353.25 sq in one 21" driver = 346.185 sq in this is generic of course since you're going to have varying cones/surrounds on different brands, sizes, etc. but is recognized by MECA and possibly other sanctioning bodies
  9. Ohjay

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Maybe he gets mo love over there.
  10. Ohjay

    stinger roadkill expert

    I have used it, it helps but not a lot. If you have a lot of flexing and rattling now and would like to dampen it substantially, I would skip it and do the full SDS treatment as using a layer of Roadkill will not do much.
  11. Ohjay

    JL 18W6 Excursion Vid

    Sweet, wish I could have gotten in on that $100 deal.
  12. Ohjay

    New Forum Member Icons

    Donate here. http://www.soundsolutionsaudio.com/index.php/donate.html Beat me to it.
  13. Ohjay

    12" Subs that excel in 1.75 each

    Two good choices there.
  14. Ohjay

    2 18" ZCON's on a Digital Designs M4a!!!

    Sweet, you have finally seen the light eh. Mine are putting the hurt on my Bronco, even on low power in a crappy temporary box.
  15. Ohjay

    XCON 18" Subwoofer doing work. SBN 2011

    beating that Volvo up
  16. Ohjay

    IA Death Penalty 12

    Very nice sub, I think you're going to love it.
  17. Ohjay

    Mac's GTI build

    Looks good, I bet it's loud as shit
  18. Ohjay

    box help for 1 zcon 15 in the truck

    Recommended volume for the Zcon is just a wee bit smaller than the recommended volume for the Xcon.
  19. Ohjay

    SSA Pumpkin i carved. :)

    Pretty sweet
  20. Doesn't look like the Saxo likes what you're doing to it
  21. Ohjay

    NYC shots...

    Cool pictures, thanks for sharing.
  22. Ohjay

    any choice for subs?

    That's much better, now we just need a little more info to get some ideas. What are your max dimensions for an enclosure or are you planning on keeping the one you have and are just looking for a different 15 that will give you more output? What's your budget for a new sub/s?
  23. Perhaps the voltage is dropping too low. Turn the gain down a good bit and try again. Measure the voltage and report back to us.
  24. Ohjay

    new to the forum!!!
