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Everything posted by Ohjay

  1. Ohjay

    Adding another 15 to my current box?

    An increase in enclosure volume and/or power should get you to 150 and allow you to retain the lower tuning you desire.
  2. Ohjay

    Small Xcon build

    I wanna see how this turns out.
  3. I would feel confident purchasing a ZRS-7000. It should provide plenty of power for that SA-12.
  4. Proudly built in the U.S.A.
  5. My brother runs a SAZ3000D and a 2 channel off a stock battery under the hood and a Kinetic 1400 in the back in the spare tire well in his Caliber. He stays in the 13s on music at idle, but we did install a 230 amp DC Power alt. too. How much are you looking/willing to spend on electrical upgrades?
  6. Ohjay

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Bitchin' deal, I've used both and I also believe the Hilti is far superior but the Bosch works well.
  7. Ohjay

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That sucks, how bad is it so far? I was blessed with weak joints by my mother, I don't have to try very hard to strain/sprain/fracture my back, knees, ankles, wrists, neck. It seems like it takes forever to heal up these days too.
  8. They're moving plenty of air for sure. Great job picking the helpers in the windows too.
  9. Ohjay

    How many batts for a 40.1

    Not very helpful. Lol. Is this at idle or 2k on the dash??? I'm interested in a little more info as well. That Caravan must have a bad ass factory alternator.
  10. Ohjay

    Happy 40th Kent!!

    Happy Birthday!
  11. Ohjay

    Tahoe 1 Day build

    Shouldn't have any problem getting that 50. Good luck on the new build, I'll be here waiting on the log.
  12. Ohjay

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I need it for gift, for my W. NICE! She goes for that kinda stuff?
  13. Ohjay

    Tahoe 1 Day build

    Puttin' in work! That's a lot more than I usually get done in a day.
  14. I haven't tried either one, but I have heard good things about the AP series. I don't think there would be an audible difference in output between the Onyx and the AP. I would still rather own the AQ over both of them. How much are you looking to spend?
  15. Ohjay

    Welcome to the IHoP

    That is simply amazing.
  16. Ohjay

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Dongs for diapers eh?
  17. Ohjay


    She's coming right along. Those DRs would look great inverted.
  18. Ohjay

    913 HeadQuarters!

    It's gonna be nice to have all that room to work out of the weather.
  19. Glad to see it wasn't anything major at least.
  20. Ohjay

    Welcome to the IHoP

    yay for accounting!
  21. Ohjay

    Just recieved my zcon 15!!!!!

    Zcon love
  22. Ohjay

    Newbie saying hi from texas

    You won't find a better car audio forum.
  23. Ohjay

    enclosure for bl 12
