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Everything posted by Ohjay

  1. Ohjay

    4sa 8s ported or 4 sa10s sealed

    why not just use what you've got if it's only temporary anyway
  2. Ohjay

    4sa 8s ported or 4 sa10s sealed

    What are your goals, what type of music do you listen to, have any electrical upgrades been done or at least planned? Why 4 subs and 2k for a temporary setup?
  3. Ohjay

    Group buy US Amps Merlin MD-21 | EDIT >Price Drop!!

    These guys are great!
  4. Ohjay

    Sub/Amp Trade in Program!

    pm seems to be easiest for me, been in contact for a few days now
  5. Ohjay

    What To Get First

    Wal-Mart Dual 10" subs FTW
  6. Ohjay

    ZCON Prototype

    ALWAYS good to see the our nation's flag on merchandise. I think they look great
  7. Ohjay

    Cerwin Vega STROKER-102

    indeed, needs audio though for more effect
  8. Ohjay

    monte carlo ss wall build

    very nice shtuffs there, good luck with the install, hope it turns out amazing for you
  9. Ohjay

    Group buy US Amps Merlin MD-21 | EDIT >Price Drop!!

    Done. 1 step closer, thanks SSA!!!
  10. Ohjay

    Group buy US Amps Merlin MD-21 | EDIT >Price Drop!!

    Ok, will do shortly
  11. Ohjay

    Group buy US Amps Merlin MD-21 | EDIT >Price Drop!!

    Are these shipping out individually? Or is there a wait like the BOSS group buy?
  12. Ohjay

    Group buy US Amps Merlin MD-21 | EDIT >Price Drop!!

    Any of these still available?
  13. Ohjay

    Sub/Amp Trade in Program!

    2 emails and a pm, still no response
  14. Ohjay

    2 18's in the accord

    Looking good so far, keep up the good work. Blue Dawn works wonders for all kinds of stuff.
  15. Ohjay

    Sub/Amp Trade in Program!

    'nother email sent, looking forward to dealing with ya
  16. Ohjay

    Help!!! Torn between my options!! N

    just drive that 'vette
  17. Ohjay

    Sub/Amp Trade in Program!

    email sent about a week ago, no response yet.
  18. Ohjay

    2006 Buick Rendezvous 4 Re Audio 15's and T3k

    Very nice, I wish I had that much cargo area behind the back seat of my Bronco
  19. Ohjay

    HELP buying subs

    What do you consider "very loud"? Are you dead set on two 15"s? One 18" will generally require a similarly sized box as two 15"s and you could purchase a better sub (and possibly save some money). Are you planning on running another amp for your mid/highs to keep up with your "very loud" sub stage? Have you performed/planned any electrical upgrades? What do you require in a head unit? You're not giving us much to go on here.
  20. total lunar eclipse starting soon, who's watching?

  21. Ohjay

    18" Subwoofer Dilema!

    Nightshades like small boxes too if I'm not mistaken, looking at getting one or two myself when I get tired of these SA15s. I like the new BTL N2 and the Zcons look to be pretty badass as well
  22. Ohjay

    Project 1998 Acura 3.5RL

    That would probably work great.
  23. Ohjay

    SA-15 Pre-Orders

    I got a card in the mail from FedEx today, they needed directions to my house, yet they dropped off a package today, yesterday, day before and last week. They said it will be here tomorrow though, so no worries.
  24. Ohjay

    ZCON Prototype

    looks very nice