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Everything posted by Ohjay

  1. Ohjay

    pics from Kicker Bash 2011

    Ok, I'm back, here's the rest of the inside pics, then we'll move outdoors. Top down view of the Scion They have a sweet little Metropolitan in the lobby too, here's a few shots of that Kicker's Harley (my lil bro is in the background) This bike is niiice, got a sweet stereo installed too (nothing much to look at though so I didn't take any pics of the stereo Here's a shot of a sweet ass Makita tool box in the lobby, not really sure why, Makita/Kicker must have some sort of partnership though For those who haven't seen the ass of a SoloX, pretty large hiney 19 L7 15s hanging on the wall. The main entrance is to the left where the carpet is, so this is the 1st thing you see as you walk in the front door. Well, that's all for inside, I'll post up more vehicle pics in just a minute
  2. Ohjay

    pics from Kicker Bash 2011

    Made it back, took about 75 more today and still had some left that I didn't post from yesterday, I'll post a few at a time, unless you guys just want me to load this bish up with a bunch of 'em. We actually went inside Kicker HQ today and checked out some of the stuff like the Wall of Woofers and such. Here are some more, we'll start inside and move back outside. We'll start this bunch off with a picture of the Wall of Woofers, 16 L7 15s and 8 component sets, no clue on power, the amps in the pics are not wired. I played with the controller and cranked it up then started it, some lady nearly shit herself, she was so pissed off and I thought I was in trouble as I didn't know if non-Kicker personnel were allowed to touch the remote, turns out she was just a spectator though and couldn't kick me out anyway. it was pretty impressive considering how big the room was and I believe the enclosure is sealed, also without some sort of override code or something, it only goes up to 60% power. next few are just of some of their products they showcase in the lobby Warhorse, the subs on the wall behind it are 15s btw Snow Cat equipped with lots of Kicker speaks, NOS and a Tshirt cannon mounted on top Kicker's Scion 6 SoloClassic 15s, I was wondering why it had racing buckets until I saw the monster turbo equipped engine. I also wondered why the alt to battery + cable was factory well chit, I gotta go do something real quick, will be back and post more in a few
  3. Ohjay

    Back for the first time

    nice truck 4 Zcons should be saweet
  4. Ohjay

    2010 Accord build

    Oops, a little too early, my hangover must have been doing the typing, I apologize. I must have thought I read 4 saz3500s.
  5. Ohjay

    I'm new too!

  6. Ohjay

    BTL Came In Yesterday!

    Nice equipment choices, let's see some pics of the Tahoe.
  7. Ohjay

    F**K Monoprice RCA's.

    Well that sux balls, I use their speaker wire and had nothing but good results so far. They might ship you out a new one if you email them and tell them what happened.
  8. Ohjay

    pics from Kicker Bash 2011

    It's not bad, especially since this is only the 2nd time they've done this. The weather just isn't very nice, it's cold and overcast,I'm just glad it's not raining. Here's a few more from yesterday. ]img] More coming later, we're heading out for day 2.
  9. Ohjay

    pics from Kicker Bash 2011

    Yeah, the tire was as wide as the fairing, very big. The Tahoe was nice, not my favorite paint scheme but I bet the owner doesn't give a shit what I think. It had some nice suspension, if it's there today, I'll try to get some more of it for ya, we didn't get to see everything because everyone left early for the pit bike races they had down the road. Almost every system I saw was Kicker, we're right down the road from Stillwater so you can imagine why. I don't see near as much DD stuff though which is surprising since I'm right down the road from OKC too.
  10. Ohjay

    2010 Accord build

    4 Z18s walled on 14k? should be devastating
  11. Ohjay

    Two Thumbs Up For BTLs

  12. Ohjay

    Bromos Build Log

    nice work
  13. Ohjay

    Order Issue? < Followup

    I ordered 2 batteries from 1800woofers myself and couldn't be happier. Just wish I would have had the money for a few more.
  14. Ohjay

    Type of Aluminum?

    I wasn't trying to insinuate that you were a thief at all, merely stating that there is an abundance of thievin' bastards around here.
  15. Ohjay

    Anyone going to KickerBash?

    Well, it's time, Kicker Bash is tomorrow, I'll still be going but didn't get all my install stuff in until today and I haven't gotten started on the box so my car won't be there. I'll be riding with my brother in his red Caliber. Hope to see some cool stuff and I will have the camera with me. Last show there wasn't much to see so I didn't post any.
  16. So, this is about the only event that I know of even remotely close enough for me to drive to. I will be there (hopefully my Bronco will be done) along with my brother and possibly more people we know around here (Seminole). Hoping this will be a good time and we will be able to demo. I called but got no information whatsoever, I just emailed them to find out some info. I will post up anything I find out. Has anyone else been to one of these events?
  17. Ohjay

    2009 jeep

    That is odd, did you contact Dj about the baskets?
  18. Ohjay

    hey there

  19. Ohjay

    Type of Aluminum?

    Copper capers seem to be the job of choice around here the last couple years.
  20. Ohjay

    hello from melbourne, fla

    to the forum
  21. Ohjay

    BSA Audio Bookshelf Group Buy?

    Nice stuff, wish I had some extra cash lying around but sadly, I don't.
  22. I want a crimper like that one, this swedge-on tool is pretty easy to use though, only downside is I have to walk back and forth to the bench to use it.
  23. Ohjay

    Type of Aluminum?

    I think I'm going to make some out of some old scrap copper tubing. I may even play around and see if I can build some thick ones by folding the tubing several times. Do you have access to a torch, hammer, anvil, drill press and a tap?