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Everything posted by i3abyjay2502

  1. i3abyjay2502

    FeedBack **Positive**

    PeteyGlad is good buisnessman.. gave me great deal on a bunch of RCA wires.. he even came out and met me to brought me the wires... great guy..
  2. i3abyjay2502

    Blown magnum!?!?!

    man i ve been waitin on a Si recone be4 they even they got broken into.... you might as well just get a differnt sub...
  3. i3abyjay2502

    does a mag run in....?

    "up their" u mean by mainstream... Si is a fairly new company... unlike the other thats been around for years... built up a name.. and is selling just that, their name, not product.. while Si, doesnt have their name out their YET.... so they have to sell a GREAT product to become as u say "up their"
  4. i3abyjay2502

    Thought My Mag couldnt surprise me anymore..

    how u like the Orion 800.4?
  5. i3abyjay2502

    what size port???

    Sub will be 12" Magnum D2 Box will be 3.1 cube after displacment of sub....tuned to 34Hz how big should my port be and what differences would a 1" x 13" and a 4" x 13" make?? and why??
  6. i3abyjay2502

    How much for a Re-Cone???

    how much would a recone cost for a 12 D2?
  7. i3abyjay2502

    How much for a Re-Cone???

    no, it still works fine.. just playin it at to high of freq.. and bout to change boxes... if u push in on the cone... it makes like a crunch noise....so i figure go ahead and get recone, while build he new box....
  8. u told me once b4, i think it was .7, but just want to be sure for when i build my new box
  9. i3abyjay2502

    12 old claw basket displacement

    ok.. double chking here..... the displacment of the sub is 0.07 or 0.7 ??? reason im dbl chkn is cause i looked at an old email... w/ all the figs... and u put displacement at 0.7 and did the math at that displacment..... so.. 0.07 or 0.7?????
  10. i3abyjay2502

    First no post day

    what was u doing in ATL.... if u dont mind me asking?
  11. i3abyjay2502

    how much power are you feeding your magnum?

    ive been running 1200rms all day for about 7 months now... no problems... it luvs it
  12. i3abyjay2502

    d2 porn vid...

    looking for some1 to host my lil porn vid of my 12 D2..... if any1 intrested in seeing it.. hit me up on aim at i3abyjay2502
  13. i3abyjay2502

    d2 porn vid...

    amp is an Orion Xtr Pro 2400 im running it at 4 ohms for 1200 watts song was off of Outkast Atliens track 13... i think it was
  14. i3abyjay2502

    d2 porn vid...

    http://www.rollingboombox.com/hosted/ heres a link to the vid... plus (limitkid7) 13 W7 porn pics
  15. i3abyjay2502

    d2 porn vid...

    the noise... chk the vid again and watch the box... i believe the noise your hearing may be the box flexing, comeing apart...
  16. i3abyjay2502

    d2 porn vid...

    very nicely... . .
  17. i3abyjay2502

    Mag Installs
