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Everything posted by judeh101

  1. no truck for the next couple of weeks. yay...

  2. judeh101

    Warranty for SSD?

    lol it's probably just only me then.
  3. judeh101

    Black FiDay Sale

    Hey nick, can you save a 12" for me? I just transferred money into my paypal and as we know, echeck takes forever! it'll take me 7 days to transfer my money
  4. judeh101

    Black FiDay Sale

    aww! I was in need of a 15" I guess 12" will do the job
  5. judeh101

    Warranty for SSD?

    I love how trolls come in here and talk like they own the place. I'm no troll, don't get me wrong. This ain't my place, it's a place for everyone. Be nice to everyone Anyways, WRX Kid, I think you might have loose glue spots on your woofer, or even a misaligned voice coil.
  6. judeh101

    Warranty for SSD?

    I hate how everyone is being a dick to WRX Kid.