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Everything posted by rdzm50

  1. rdzm50

    So many options.........

    I am currently looking at 2 15' SXs $580 both (with shipping) or 2 18 SXs $640 both (with shipping) or a 18' MT $525(with shipping) from the RE side... www.reaudio.com or A 15' Mag www.stereointegrity.com $549 MSRP or A 15' DP www.incriminatoraudio.com $599 or A RL-s 15' S4 www.soundsplinter.com $579 Also I am not sure about these 2 because they are like +$1000... for 1 and I don't know... A DD 9917 from www.ddaudio.com or A APXX18D or APXX15D www.atomicspeakers.com Also looking at AMP(s) I was thinking of the DD Z1 (but i don't know where to find info of it on the web) or the VFL 200.1 (also don't know where to find info of this on the web...) or maybe 2 Orion 2500Ds This most likely will be just a daily driver type set up and will not even be cranked up all the way as to not piss off or make others in my car go deaf...
  2. rdzm50

    So many options.........

    Oh yeah lol thx I completely forgot about the space I am working with so anyway I drive a 05 Ford Escape. Right now I have 3 15' W6s (old ones) and well one is blown...(cones detached... really messed up) and 1 has a tear... one is perfect.... but anyway... I am just mainly looking to get something new and better to replace them. So you think the MT and DP are pritty good. Do you think just 1 18 MT or 15 DP with... what amp and box specs...? because i'd like to consider what everyone likes to call "stupid loud" because that sounds like what I am looking for...