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About rdzm50

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  1. rdzm50

    So many options.........

    Oh yeah lol thx I completely forgot about the space I am working with so anyway I drive a 05 Ford Escape. Right now I have 3 15' W6s (old ones) and well one is blown...(cones detached... really messed up) and 1 has a tear... one is perfect.... but anyway... I am just mainly looking to get something new and better to replace them. So you think the MT and DP are pritty good. Do you think just 1 18 MT or 15 DP with... what amp and box specs...? because i'd like to consider what everyone likes to call "stupid loud" because that sounds like what I am looking for...
  2. rdzm50

    So many options.........

    I am currently looking at 2 15' SXs $580 both (with shipping) or 2 18 SXs $640 both (with shipping) or a 18' MT $525(with shipping) from the RE side... www.reaudio.com or A 15' Mag www.stereointegrity.com $549 MSRP or A 15' DP www.incriminatoraudio.com $599 or A RL-s 15' S4 www.soundsplinter.com $579 Also I am not sure about these 2 because they are like +$1000... for 1 and I don't know... A DD 9917 from www.ddaudio.com or A APXX18D or APXX15D www.atomicspeakers.com Also looking at AMP(s) I was thinking of the DD Z1 (but i don't know where to find info of it on the web) or the VFL 200.1 (also don't know where to find info of this on the web...) or maybe 2 Orion 2500Ds This most likely will be just a daily driver type set up and will not even be cranked up all the way as to not piss off or make others in my car go deaf...