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Everything posted by tccoble

  1. Too bad my ex-wife wasn't standing on that corner when it happened.
  2. tccoble

    Happy Birthday to Denim!!

  3. He said 4ohm each, which wired together in parallel would yield a final 2ohm impedance on the amplifier. Yes the amp is running at 2ohms putting out around 400 watts.
  4. I have a 400 watt class A/B amp running 2 10's right now. When I'm listening to rap music, after an hour or so, the amp shuts down from overheating, even if I don't have the volume up too high. Should I switch to a class D amp or would it not be worth it? I listen mostley to rap, but listen to rock and country too, I like to have acceptable SQ.
  5. I use the subwoofer control on my head unit to set the level I want to listen to. It also has a remote gain control, but it doesn't work properly. I have the remote gain set at around 1/4-1/3 of the way up and the sub control set at 0 for rap and -10/-14 for country and rock depending on the song....am I still doing something wrong?
  6. tccoble

    What to do with $500

    Seems pretty clear what you need. http://www.sounddeadenershowdown.com/products/cld http://www.sounddeadenershowdown.com/products/ccf http://www.sounddeadenershowdown.com/products/mlv http://www.sounddeadenershowdown.com/products/accessories I beg you to use these products. The Front Stage Amp can be left up to you I'm seriously gonna look into that, thanks for the advice.
  7. tccoble

    What to do with $500

    Ok, I managed to work in an extra $500 into my stereo budget (mostly working OT) and I'm not sure what I should do with it to get the most out of my system. I know I need to do the big 3 and sound dampining material probley needs to be done(my loud exhaust sometimes tries to drown out the music), but what else? Heres my system so far. Heat unit-Pioneer DEH 7200HD front stage-2 Diamond Audio D1 components and the original factory tweeters or still there too. front amp-nuthin rear stage-2 factory GMC speakers, I usually keep them off. sub stage-2 Diamond Audio D1 10s, I have a 12" DCON on order, hopefully it will be here next week. sub amp-Diamond Audio 400.1 with 8ga wire, running at 2ohms Please just serious answers only, I just want to use my money as wisely as possible.
  8. tccoble

    What to do with $500

    I only think I need it 'cause I can see my headlights dim at night when its turn way up, and this money is for my trucks budget, there's another budget for savings and stuff that we "need".
  9. Yes they are dual 2ohms run at 4ohms each....supposedly. I've never taken them out of the box and looked though.
  10. Yeah, that was another thing, after the last time it happend I pulled off the interstate at my grandma's and checked the amp and finally looked at the gains, they had them turned all the way up and had siliconed them so I couldn't adjust them. I took the silicon off and tuned the gain down 1/3 of the way, turned the bass bost all the way down, and the lowpass filter all the way up (I use the one in my stereo). Since then I'd swear its actually louder, but I havn't driven my truck for over an hour, while jamming, since then, and it hasn't cut out on me either.
  11. tccoble

    What sub

    X2 for the XCON!!
  12. tccoble

    What to do with $500

    thats what I was thinking, that and the big 3
  13. I honestly couldn't tell you, the shop that installed it removed the back seat to put it in and i can't see where its grounded at with out taking out the back seat and pulling up the carpet, all I can see is that thay used Raptor 8ga battery cable. I was just wondering if a class D would run cooler and draw less current.
  14. tccoble

    Most output from the least space.

    X2 for the DCONs (the prevous statement may not be tru or accurate to the best of my ability, it is only my suggestion)
  15. tccoble

    which subs to go with need help

    the L5 sucks for SQ, I used to have one, even sealed it sucked, go with the Alpine Type R (or an ICON) (the prevous statement may not be tru or accurate to the best of my ability, it is only my suggestion)
  16. tccoble

    Under seat sub for my Truck?

    I can only give you my opinion based on my research and what fits my needs. I just ordered 1 12" SSA DCON to go under the back seat of my truck. It will be in a ported box tuned to 31hz. I'm going to push it with a Diamond Audio 400.1, so not too far off from your amp. If you want excellent output and equally outstanding SQ that would be my recommendation to you, my friend. (the prevous statement may not be tru or accurate to the best of my ability, it is only my suggestion)
  17. tccoble

    best sub for the money

    I'd go with 2 SSA DCON's they should handle the 375 watts apeice pretty well, and will sound clearer and hit harder than Kicker CVR's. (the prevous statement may not be tru or accurate to the best of my ability, it is only my suggestion)
  18. tccoble

    Help choosing new subs

    Well since you don't want to take Sir-Lancelots advice, I'll give you some of my"fanboy like" advice...get 3 10" DCON's port them at 31hz and blow away your trunk lid, lol. (the previous statement may not be tru or accurate to the best of my abilities, it is just a suggestion)
  19. tccoble

    Opinions on these subs.

    We need more info for what your trying to get out of these subs, but for my .02 I like the RE, Soundstream, and the Type R. I'm just now getting out of mainstream audio and as for as that was concerned the type R's were the shit. The have descent output and pretty damn good SQ.
  20. tccoble

    My Stuff

    My truck and audio.
  21. tccoble

    up close

    From the album: My Stuff

  22. tccoble

    my subs

    From the album: My Stuff

    2 Diamond audio D1 10's
  23. tccoble

    My truck

    From the album: My Stuff

  24. tccoble


    From the album: My Stuff

  25. Exactly. The SAE has made a lot of happy customers. Shame that MBQ is just a badge that is slapped on now. x2 MB Quart, Lanzar, Autotek, HiFonics, Crunch, etc, etc still sell these days but only because of their reputation from years back before Maxxsonics took over. I would've rather spent a few extra bucks and gone with the Sundown. I can't believe that people are even comparing the two. What has this world come too?!?! Ever heard the term "You get what you pay for"? Besides.....wasn't MB Quart a high quality German speaker company? Now all of a sudden they build amps that are made in Taiwan/Korea/China (no offense Sundown) with a badge that says 100,000,000 watts RMS per channel @ 4ohm! Same with new HiFonics like the Brutus that everyone seems to be thrilled about. IMO all it amplifies is distortion but then again you really can't hear it at low frequencies. Just my .02 Your speaker will experience the distortion What is ya'lls opinion on the new Diamond Audio amps?? Have they gone down in quality??