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Everything posted by oxsign

  1. oxsign

    FED-EX paid me a visit today...........

  2. oxsign

    FED-EX paid me a visit today...........

    Sadly yes, and the tweets, H2 15", dog, cat, and some trash I had lying around. Thats fine though, I'm very happy with it.
  3. oxsign

    Help with figuring this out

    I was thinking the same.
  4. I need to find out what the correct airspace is with this box. The depth is 20" with the sub facing up. The 36" is the bottom of the box. It's shaped like a "T" to fit over the wheel wells. I know it's kinda crazy, but I need to maximize the room I have for an 18" sub I have coming in shortly. Thx for your help, Vic.
  5. oxsign

    Show results?

    Awsome, thx for the info.
  6. oxsign

    Too much power.......

    One more thing. Will 5cubes, and 2 6" areo ports be good for this sub?
  7. oxsign

    Too much power.......

    Cool. Thx guys. I really like the 2500d, and would like to keep it. I'll just ajust, and keep things low.
  8. oxsign

    Premium Series 18" Driver

    Will this one be signed???
  9. oxsign

    Premium Series 18" Driver

    PM sent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I'll take 2 of those.
  11. I'll take one in XL please.
  12. oxsign

    Shirts or Hats???

    Is there any that SS makes???
  13. oxsign

    Shirts or Hats???

    A flex for $20ish works for me.
  14. oxsign

    Shirts or Hats???

    Put me in for a hat and a shirt.
  15. oxsign

    New box, new numbers.

    The box is tuned to 32hz, the size is 44.5"w-18.5"h-18"d. I think thats what the full outside dementions are.
  16. oxsign

    New box, new numbers.

    With this box I did a 145.5 With this one I did a 146.6
  17. oxsign

    New box, new numbers.

    It's fully bagged, F,B,S,S. The topper will look alot better after I paint it to match. I got it to be different. Every S10 has a roll pan, shaved everything, etc., thats why I left the front/rear bumpers, and all that stuff on.
  18. oxsign

    New box, new numbers.

  19. oxsign

    New box, new numbers.

    No not yet. You think that'll make a difference??
  20. oxsign

    Shirts or Hats???

    Has anyone heard anything else regarding apparel??
  21. oxsign

    RL-p 15" power rating??

    I currently have a A2400DB power acoustic pushing my 2 15"s. With that amp they are getting about 900w rms each @ 1ohm. I was thinking about getting the A3000DB that would give them about 1200w rms each @ 1 ohm. Would they be ok with this much power??
  22. oxsign

    RL-p 15" power rating??

    Yup, for a 1ohm load.