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Everything posted by oxsign

  1. oxsign


    Hell ya it does, lol. I was really looking forward to taking a drive, and messing with the sub/amp.
  2. oxsign


    Good news, bad news. Good news is that I got the box in, and reworked my air managment. I still need to do some tuning with the amp, but it sounds great so far. Bad news is that I fonnd 2 cracks in my airtanks around the ports. So I can't drive thr truck anywhere to listen to the 18".
  3. oxsign


    I see what your saying. That can still be an option, lol. The box is 16"T-38"W-20"D. I have 56sq" of port area. Make @ SS recomends at least 50"-60" for the 18".
  4. oxsign


    Thx, it's got more bracing inside that I didn't get pix of. I just took the pix of that one since it also was holding the ports in place. Not to mention the 2nd baffle.
  5. oxsign


    Thx guys. "Ga foo 88" I'm not 100% sure what you mean about the covering for the outside. "AAfutureSTAR" From start to finish, it took about a day.
  6. oxsign


    Let me know what you guys think.
  7. oxsign

    1 RL-p 18" & 1 RL-p 15"

    That is the plan, lol.
  8. oxsign

    1 RL-p 18" & 1 RL-p 15"

    I have one of each (amp & sub stated in the title), and I'm trying to figure out which amp/sub combo would be best. The 18" will be in a ported box. 5.2 net tuned to 34hz, and the 15" will be 3.4 net tuned to 34hz as well. What's your take on this? Thx, Vic.
  9. oxsign

    1 RL-p 18" & 1 RL-p 15"

    One will go in a fully bagged '92 4dr blazer. The other will go into a completely stock '93 GMC Typhoon. I want what I know SS can give me. Great SQ, with the ability to get loud.
  10. oxsign

    1 RL-p 18" & 1 RL-p 15"

    So it really wouldn't matter which amp I put to which sub? One isn't better suited for the other?
  11. oxsign

    2 x RLp-12, sealed and 2000W RMS...

    I have had an array of Sound Splinter subs. 18"s, 15", 12", 8", and all of them were (are) fantastic. I'm not kissing ass (although it kinda does sound like it, lol), but I'm am being honest when I say that I will not run anything else. I had 2 15"s in a ported box (2.5 ea @ 34hz) with roughly 1300rms going to each. Output was awesome as well as the SQ. Just to give you an idea. My last numbers with that set-up was a 153.9 legal at the dash, and that was my daily truck, lol. I currently have 2 RL-i 8"s in my wife's car running of a Directed 1500d. Their getting around 600rms each, and loving every minute of it. I'm getting ready to build a box for the 1 18" I have, and I'll let you know how that goes. The only one's I had sealed were in fact the 2 12"s. I had them in a 3cube net box getting about 800ea, and the SQ was second to none.
  12. oxsign

    throwing my fist show!!

    Sorry if I missed it, but where is this show going to be at?
  13. oxsign

    Subs in an avalanche?

    I was lucky enough to find 1 sitting in a junkyard that I got the counsel out of. I've just been to busy to get started on it yet.
  14. oxsign

    Subs in an avalanche?

    My father-in-law has an Avalanche, and I've been thinking of a way to "gut" the center counsel to put a 10" there.
  15. oxsign

    Amp for 2 Rli-8's

    If you keep it turned down low, you'll be ok with it. I have 2 running off a Directed 1500d in a ported box, and thay sound awsome.
  16. oxsign

    SS logo stickers

    I got a few with my 18"s when I ordered them a few months ago.
  17. oxsign

    mad props to mike from sound splinter

    Mike is a fantastic person. Without question the best customer service I've ever dealt with. He's never hesitated to go above & beyond for any of his customers. I have dealt with him on many occasions, and plan to continue to do business with him & Sound Splinter. B)
  18. I was offered this amp in a trade for my RE comps I have F/S. What are your thoughts on this amp? Thx, Vic.
  19. Sorry, lol, ya RE RE comps. Does this amp do rated power (1200@1ohm)?
  20. oxsign

    component help

    I've got a set of RE Audio 6.5 comps for sale. $150 shipped.
  21. oxsign

    Ported design for two RL-i8's

    Yup, that's why I'll be rebuilding the box, lol. This box started off as a sealed box. But porting it got me from 135.8 to 139.6. It's basically going to be the same design, but I'm going to make the box deeper & face the ports up. Remember, this is the wife's car. So I'm not going crazy with it. Just getting it to the point that the subs will be fine & function properly.
  22. oxsign

    Ported design for two RL-i8's

    Can you share the design? I'll be rebuilding it to use 2 3" aeroports. This one is16"T-24"W-6"D1-10"D2 The port is on the side, firing towards the amp. It's roughly 1cube (after displacement of subs & port) tuned to 35hz.
  23. oxsign

    Ported design for two RL-i8's

    I've got 2 ported in the wifes car.
  24. Here's what it says on the site....... Optimal Car: 0.5 cu ft net volume sealed 0.3 cu ft net volume vented, Fb = 35 Hz Is this right, or should it be the other way around? I thought more space was needed per sub when doing a vented box? I may be wrong, but I thought I would ask. Since my wife sub box is 1.3 sealed currently, I could just use a 3" flared port with that same box, and be fine right?
  25. oxsign

    Confused with specs on website

    I may just amend the recommendation to state 0.4 cu ft net volume, as really anywhere just under and up to 0.5 cu ft net volume will suit this driver quite well. Sealed boxes are indeed quite forgiving to minor variances in construction. Thank you for the reply. I did end up porting the box (1.2cubes @35hz) to get a 139.6 at the dash with the 2 8"s.