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Everything posted by sefugi

  1. sefugi

    Little build in a '99 Chevy 1500 for a co-worker

    Looks great!!! Amazing how a small budget system when done right can still add up quickly!
  2. sefugi

    Thank You SSA Brothers

    Congrats!!! Glad to hear of your win!!! Nice recognition of an awesome install!!!
  3. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Good Luck to you!!!
  4. Check out the amp on this thread, beleive them to make a 4-channel. Have not used myself just remember it being a compact amp. Good Luck!!
  5. sefugi

    Team Sundown Russia -- 160 dB No-Wall

    Nice!!! Have you kissed your Sundown amp today?
  6. sefugi


  7. sefugi

    Sundown NeoPro 6.5" Prototypes

    Would double spades be an option for easier wiring of multiples?
  8. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    $hit!! TOP
  9. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Hmmmmmm? 0?
  10. sefugi

    Demo with some 18s

    Looked like you had a great time. Were the 18s what you were thinking?? Would be interested in the meter results.
  11. sefugi

    PROJECT! SE-R Rebuild!!!!

    Amazing with the damage no glass was broken. Should be a great car once repaired!!
  12. sefugi

    SA-8 v.1 Newest Production Pics

    Indeed it has a large A$$!
  13. sefugi

    Help with Ported box design

    I have heard most say it tends to tune high.
  14. sefugi

    Feature Shot

    Sweet ride!!!
  15. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    You're supposed to think you should not have ordered something from Kevin@ Skar. laughter
  16. Looks beastly!! Wish I could have made it to Scrapin' to check it out!
  17. sefugi

    1999 toyota camry

  18. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    and a drink with a umbrella in it!!
  19. sefugi

    Enclousre Build for Kingdom (One 15 Inch Fi BL)

    Looks nice!!! Enjoy!!!
  20. sefugi

    1999 toyota camry

    Love the keyboard, is that a little touch pad on the left?? If so that is sweet!!
  21. sefugi

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    Nope, havn't done it yet. Gotta fix the bumper too...
  22. sefugi

    1991 Honda CRX Si

    I have thought of that, but i forgot. You're a genius, I may just do that. 20 on the front 2 windows, 5 everywhere else? i wish there was a 10 or a 12... is there? lol I'd go 20% on the passenger and driver window, then 5% everywhere else, unless you don't feel comfortable with that. lol, and I know at both of my local audio stores you can get anywhere in between 5% - 45% in 5% increments, I THINK. That's all just off the top of my head though, so take it with a grain of salt. It just seems like too large of a difference, may look weird. I should give the place i want to go to a call. Wonder if they will charge to take off what i have now, or if i should just do it myself. They will hate the room they have to work in my car. Maybe i should take my subs out for them? lol I said the same thing but the guy that will be doing my son's car soon, said it will be so suttle you won't be able to tell.
  23. sefugi

    1 sundown SA8 enough?

    I heard you the first time. If you like the single 8 idea, go for it!!