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Everything posted by sefugi

  1. sefugi

    Got some new goodies today

    Time to build somethin'!!
  2. No rain at the moment, Paint time!!

    1. Mark LaFountain
    2. sefugi


      Got some paint work done will post pics later tonight after I go out and about with the wife.

  3. sefugi

    Stopping in to say Hello.

    Welcome to SSA Forum! Look forward to seeing your build...
  4. sefugi

    93 Fleetwood Caddy build.

    Sorry I'm comin' into this late, glad I picked up on it when your gettin' your second wind. Rear deck looks really good! Nice welds and I like the constrast between the center sub sections texture and the suede on the deck. Clean work! Lookin' forward to seeing you complete such a well started project.
  5. sefugi

    4 DP21 Wall Build

    Glad to see progress, It sucks when you have to keep waitin' for the weather to get something done.
  6. sefugi

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Thanks! Had great weather yesterday, but I'm working all week. Hope it holds out for the weekend!
  7. sefugi

    A little custom sticker work.

    The 3D effect is really cool.
  8. Checking the manual and rechecking wiring never hurts we all make mistakes. Glad your in the bass bussiness. Enjoy!
  9. May want to get someone to jump in here to verify, but if you paralleled each sub to each channel I think your giving the amp SAZ1500? a .25ohm load. Those amps I beleive have two channels but they are bridged inside. If that the case you need to try series each sub to each channel 2ohms each then internal bridge gives 1ohm. If it is running .25ohm I'm sure it is going to protect. Check the manual: http://www.sundownaudio.com/SAX-1200D,SAZ-1500D,2500D,3500D_manual_0512.pdf
  10. I beleive if you wire them in series you will have 2ohm each.
  11. I don't know if this will help but you can check your sub wiring by comparing to the wiring setup on this link: Subwoofer Wiring Diagrams Double check the sub wiring and I would finish up your Big 3 and recheck. Good Luck!
  12. sefugi

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Feel pretty good about the body, not sure about how the aftermarket body kit is goin to turn out. Most fiberglass stuff is so wavy No big wing, but lots O lights!
  13. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    I'm 45, I don't know if I'm there but I sure have had the itch to get into something for Me Me Me!
  14. sefugi

    Why is car audio so appealing.

    Hey, That's gonna be me!!
  15. sefugi

    95 Eclipse Father/Son Project

    Well I figured I needed to give some kind of update. The weather here has not been very cooperative. We did take a weekend off to go to Scrapin' the Coast which was fun but put us behind since it pretty much has rained on and off for the last two weeks. The paint work is really holding us up since nothing can really be solidly done until the paint is completed. This is how the car is sitting waitin' for some skin.... By sefugi at 2010-07-07 We did do a little project in our waitin'. We got a new center section for the rear of the car. Of course we had to make a mod to it. Since we are going with a aftermarket type spoiler which has no 3rd brake light we ran our wires to the center section and installed led's in the center section to give a 3rd brake light which will give brake lights across the complete rear of the car. We think it will be ok and set it apart from other vehicles on the road. Here are the pics of the process. By sefugi at 2010-07-07 By sefugi at 2010-07-07 By sefugi at 2010-07-07 By sefugi at 2010-07-07 By sefugi at 2010-07-07 By sefugi at 2010-07-07 That's all we have for now, if the weather gets better for the weekend might actually get something a little stronger to update with. Thanks for all the support!!
  16. sefugi

    MUST WATCH! Hilarious Demo's!

    "I ain't heard nothin' yet.........Oh! can u turn that down?" Funny stuff!
  17. sefugi

    New guy

  18. sefugi

    New From Tennessee

    Welcome to the SSA Forum! Admitting you have an addiction is the first step, you are on the way to recovery. Can't answer the AA question don't have experience with them.
  19. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ LMAO......... I used left handed tools....she's gonna bang!!!! Sorry I'm coming into this so late, but when I read that you used "left handed tools" that's frickin' CLASSIC! Awesome job on the enclosure! Glad I got in here so I can watch the doors come to life. If this is what "left handed tools" can do I'm goin' shopping!
  20. I need it to quit raining so I can paint!

  21. I need it to quit raining so I can paint!

  22. I need it to quit raining so I can paint!

  23. sefugi

    Welcome to the IHoP

    Always wanted to load a herse up with subs! Nice Pics!